Looking for a self-help guide on how to be a more positive person? Here are 12 insanely simple ideas you can start implementing today to think, act, and be more positive in life.

When I was a kid, my father always asked me to live up to my blood group and be positive in life.
I always laughed at that joke, but later on in life (much, much later, to my liking), I took his words seriously and somehow found my way to positivity.
And what an eye-opening experience it was. Everything I thought I knew shifted in the best ways possible.
All of sudden, I was exposed to a beautiful world that was devoid of negative self-talk and full of bright optimism.
The Beauty Of Positive Thinking
As a result of positive thinking, all my fears and self-sabotaging thoughts got replaced by a new outlook.
“This situation is too scary,” turned into “I am excited to explore a new challenge.”
“What if it doesn’t…” got converted into “It very well might.”
“I don’t know what to do,” became “I know there is a solution. I just have to find it.”
As you can probably guess, this habit simplified my life to a great extent. And I am grateful to myself for making it happen. 🙂
To date, I consider positive thinking my biggest accomplishment. Though this ability didn’t come to me on its own.
Many realizations, important lessons, and harsh knockouts brought me to the conclusion that positivity is the way to build my dream life.
And I am super hyped to share with you the exact steps I took to be a more positive person.
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In this post, we discuss how to be a more positive person, using 12 real and authentic ideas that are really easy to implement.
If you are ready to simplify your life by turning into an optimist, read on.
How To Be A More Positive Person
1. Focus On The Good
It’s all too easy to get swept into the negativity around you, but I hope you realize there are two sides to a coin.
It’s just that we latch onto the bad side first because we feel uncomfortable by its presence.
From an early age, we promote this toxic habit by feeding into this discomfort. But if there was ever a time to break this mental conditioning, it’s right now.
The solution to this problem lies on the opposite end of things i.e., the good things around you.
Just like water is the way to break off a fire, focusing on the good is how you get rid of your brain’s allure toward negativity.
Apply a ‘focus-on-the-good’ mentality while interacting with people and assessing new situations. Make the most of every curveball life throws your way.
Every day is a new lesson, and it’s up to you whether you make it turn into something good or let its bad side get to you.
Must Read: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
2. Appreciate The People Around You
As humans, we are tied to each other. There must be so many people you interact with on a daily basis.
And while this interlinking is necessary to function as a society, we often end up becoming the cause of each other’s troubles.
Betrayals, lies, and incompatibility demand to be taken seriously. But don’t allow your dislike for someone to impact your mood.
If you learn to appreciate each and every being for who they are, life will become super easy for you.
Just imagine a mind space where you see every person in a positive light. You will naturally behave kindly toward them, and receive the same kind of warmth in return.
Instead of judging a person too quickly and getting irritated, focus on what makes them different and unique.
Be open-minded in your conversations, empathize with the other side, and open yourself to seeing the good in them.
This is a mental habit that will pay you back tenfold, so work on this with good intentions in your heart.

3. Take Care Of Your Emotions
Emotional self-care is a golden practice that all of us need for an uplifting mindset.
For all you know, it could be the bridge you need to access your positive energies.
Now, emotions can be tricky to deal with, but let’s go over some simple ways you can gain control over them.
Firstly, you need to start treating your emotions as you would a favorite plant i.e., nurture them using the magical powers of self-love.
Aim to increase your happiness, contentment, and satisfaction; you deserve every little joy that life has to offer.
Likewise, don’t neglect or discard your negative emotions. They are a part of being human and should be dealt with kindly.
Face your fears head-on, give time to yourself in your sad moments, and adopt some healing measures to deal with your pain.
The best activity I can recommend to make all of this happen? Journaling!
Seriously, if you don’t own one already, get yourself a journal, and thank me one month later in the comment box. 😉
4. Adopt A Positive Tone Of Speech
How do you know whether a person is positive or not?
I mean, I’m sure you’ve pointed to someone in the past and said out loud, “Gosh, she is so positive. I always feel amazing after talking to her.”
So, how did you get to this conclusion?
That’s right – It’s their tone of speech that clued you in, giving you an apt view into the inner workings of their positive mind.
Your speech is a massive reflection of your inner thoughts, and the reverse is just as true.
If your brain can command your lips, why can’t your words do the same in return?
I’m telling you your speech has the power to change the course of your thoughts, and that’s why you need to start speaking positively from right this second.
Not only will this habit help you, but it’ll also lift the people around you, which in my opinion is an excellent bonus.

5. Aim For A Stressfree Life
Stress and positivity don’t do well together. For one to exist, the other has to be missing. And in this town, stress is always the one we bid goodbye to.
Oftentimes, we get stressed over the most mundane things, which is such a wrong use of your mind’s amazing abilities.
But here’s a simple deal – You can either fret about your problems or adopt a healthier and calmer perspective and glide smoothly out of them.
You have to realize at some point that being stressed is a choice, one that impacts your mental health more than you might realize.
When you are under stress for the most part of your day, how can there ever be space for positive thoughts?
So, stop treating stress as if it’s a normal thing. You don’t need to support its existence in your system.
It’s okay to move away from its vicinity for the sake of a better life.
Related Post: 11 Amazing Habits Of People Who Never Get Stressed
6. Be Grateful
For me, the art of feeling gratitude is still a work in progress, but it’s already made a huge difference in my perception.
When you appreciate the little things in life, count all your blessings, and feel grateful for each day, you’re bound to adopt the mindset of ‘thankfulness.’
You start looking at life through pure eyes. Greed, malice, and envy naturally take the backbench, leaving your mind free of consuming emotions.
The simplest way to start practicing this habit is by creating a gratitude list at least once a week. It solidifies your intentions and helps you visualize the concept of gratitude.
Be more vocal in your appreciation of life and don’t shy away from telling your close people that you love them.
It’s always a good idea to display gratitude through your words, expression, and emotions. 🌻

7. Start Your Day On The Right Note
I think most of you would agree that the morning energy stays with us for the rest of the day.
Bad morning habits drain your positivity channels, creating a tiring perspective that often leads to negativity.
But on the bright side, a healthy morning routine can be just as rewarding for your inner stability. It is the most practical way to access a positive mindset.
Firstly, aim to wake up on time. You should be off your bed before 8 am.
For the same, check out my post on how to become a morning person, in which I’ve shared the 10 tricks I use to wake up at 5 am every single day.
You can also write morning pages, take a short walk, drink a glass of warm water, and meditate for 5 minutes to create a healthy mind space.
P.S.: Try to get in some morning exercise done. It can go a long way to make you enthusiastic about your day.
Highly Recommended: 7 Morning Habits Of Successful People That Set Them Apart
8. Create A Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. The two are interconnected, and we should strive to make use of this fact.
By creating a healthy lifestyle, you not only work on your body’s wellness but also boost your positive spirits.
The first step toward this is to increase your water intake. The ideal range would be 8-10 glasses, so make sure to consume this amount every day.
Next, develop healthy food habits that make your body thrive. Ditch the eating patterns that make you unhappy and say yes to mindful eating.
And lastly, stay active by going for walks, working out regularly, and doing weekly yoga sessions. If you dread the idea of exercising, use these 8 tricks to motivate yourself to workout.
While you’re in the process of recreating your lifestyle, there might be instances where you feel like quitting.
My advice is to give it at least a month; that’s all the time it’d take you to start loving your new and improved lifestyle.

9. Avoid Negative Self-Talk
The prominent state of our mind largely depends on the way we treat ourselves. It’s like clay – you can mold it the way you want to.
However, we often end up indulging in a lot of negative self-talk. It’s not something we do consciously.
Years of self-blame and sabotage result in this becoming our default reaction.
When something goes wrong in your life, do you console yourself?
Or do you automatically shrug and say something like, “Yeah, what else did you expect? It’s all your fault.”
Two years back, I’d have been quick to point my finger at the latter. But now, my attitude of self-kindness never lets me put myself down.
Dear reader, the simple truth is you have two ways to communicate with yourself – a) I am not good enough or b) I am always enough.
The option that turns your energy up by a notch? That’s the correct one.
Ready to ditch your negative self-talk? These posts might help:
- 121 Positive Affirmations For Mental Strength
- 101 Beautiful Affirmations For Self-Love And Healing
- 120 Health Affirmations For A Powerful Way Of Life
10. Smile More
A smile is, hands-down, the easiest way to spread positivity around you. It’s just so contagious!
I mean, every time a smiling person crosses my path, I feel their positive energy in my heart.
A smile lasts for 3-5 seconds at best, but in those few moments, you become a positive person.
The best thing is, you don’t need to put excess effort into building this habit. Imagine doing a lot more of this, and the magical effect it will have on your mind.
I can guarantee you that your positivity meter will magically shoot upward, which is our ultimate goal here.
Every morning when you wake up, make a conscious decision to smile more.
Do it in front of the mirror, while greeting people, and reciprocate every smile you receive.
A cute smiley emoji helps too! 😀
Related: 21 Amazing Habits Of People Who Are Always Happy

Being Positive Is A Choice That You Can Make Right Now
The 10 ideas discussed in this post will help you be a more positive person in life, but they demand some effort on your behalf.
It’s true that change requires time. It demands you let go of your old habits to create space for a better version of yourself.
But at the same time, your present moment is in your hands, and it can be whatever you want it to be.
I hope that right this second, you are making up your mind to be more positive in life.
Trust in your abilities to heal and recreate, and you will get where you want to be.
And in case you need any help from me, let me know! I am always up for a good chat in the comment box.

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