This is a simple yet powerful guide on how to become an “It Girl”. Read on if you’re ready to re-invent your personality and make it align with your truest self.

An “it girl” is commonly described as a woman who is confident, fashionable, and possesses some highly appealing qualities.
She is a symbol of power and grace, with authenticity at the core of her being.
She takes pride in being her most authentic self, which is why everyone secretly admires her and wants to be like her.
An “it girl” doesn’t act on her self-doubts and gives zero tomatoes about the world’s expectations of her.
To put it simply, if you could be the best version of yourself while still staying true to your spirit, you would be an “it girl”.
Sounds pretty awesome, right?
Good thing you found this post, then. Because if you’re interested in joining the “it girl” club, then you’re at the right place.
Quickly pin this post to save for later.

In this post, we’ll look at 12 amazing tips to become an “it girl.”
You will leave this page with a solid action plan to bring out your most authentic self.
Expect me to act as your personal cheerleader for the rest of this post. 😉
Let’s get started.
How To Be An “It Girl” – 12 Powerful Steps
1. Define And Grow Your Style
Let’s admit it. We all have a dream vision of our style, in which we’re dressed our best.
To be an “it girl”, you should pour some love into your wardrobe and bring this vision to life.
Whether you aim to style yourself like a gorgeous girl boss or a casually cool chic, it’s important to know your preferences.
What looks good on you? What color brings out your eyes? Which outfit makes you feel bold, beautiful, and confident?
The answers might come to you after months of experimenting, but that’s the most fun part!
Don’t hold back from going for choices that you’re too afraid to try (that’s where the magic usually happens.)
Jumpsuits, dresses, different styles of jeans, shorts, skirts, playsuits – try them all! Life’s too short not to know what it feels like to wear thigh-high brown boots.
2. Find A Good Balance Of Healthy And Fun
Women usually fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle because of the “all or nothing” mindset. They either eat all greens or go all out on junk, which is obviously not a good way of life.
You want to strike a balance between healthy and fun habits to avoid monotony.
Don’t ban any food items from your diet. Eat your leafy and nutritious veggies, but allow yourself to have those cookies. Choosing one doesn’t mean the other has to go.
Indulge in delicious food on the weekend, but try to be healthier during the weekdays.
Work out at least 5 days a week, stay active, and do fun outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and swimming.
These are some simple yet impactful ways to keep yourself interested in staying healthy long-term. Both your body and mind will love this balance, trust me.

3. Hop Onto Social Media
Social media is an outstanding platform to build your confidence and turn into a shining diva.
I’m sure you have some influential women in your ‘following’ list. Why not aim to be one of them? If others can, you can too!
Post pictures of yourself on trips, in casual settings, and at events (the more authentic, the better). Make reels of yourself as you do your skincare or while you’re following a morning routine.
What’s normal for you could be a blind spot for someone else. Watching you might inspire others to add more good stuff to their lives.
Put yourself out there more, and the women who admire the qualities you have will find you.
Bookmark now: 15 Habits That Make You Smarter And Sharper
4. Nurture Your Interests
Your hobbies and interests are not just about filling your free time. They make your life colorful by bringing your creative self to the surface.
Make your life more interesting by doing more of what you love. Maybe you like to paint, sing, play some instrument, or do your part for the environment through gardening.
Keep yourself connected to these hobbies by adding them to your Sunday routine, and indulging in them during your me-time.
You can also join hobby classes and connect with other people who have similar interests.
Also, it’s never too late to pick up new interests. It might just be time to pick up that language that you’ve been meaning to learn forever.

5. Build Your Network
In today’s time, building a network has become a strong way to gain success and become established. Good connections come in handy whenever you need to call in some favors.
Attend social events and parties with people from your field in attendance. Socialize more by saying yes to gatherings, and show up once you’ve committed.
Exchange contacts with people after conversations, and let them know they can call you when they need any favor.
You can also host some events yourself. It’s a great way to polish your organizing skills whilst making a name for yourself.
You might like: 12 Habits Of Successful People You Can Adopt Today
6. Practice Self-Care
Self-care is the habit of tending to your overall well-being through simple habits and rituals. It is something you should do every day to be in a healthy space of body and mind.
I personally love indulging in self-care because it lets me romanticize my life. It feels good to focus on yourself and be the main character of your own life.
Try these self-care rituals to feel like an “it girl”:
- Have a healthy morning routine to start your day on a positive note.
- Drink tea or coffee in a quiet spot for some downtime.
- Do a digital media detox.
- Practice gratitude.
- Follow a skincare routine.
- Build a self-care night routine to put your thoughts to bed.
- Take a long bath to recharge yourself.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Take regular breaks throughout the.
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7. Be Well-Spoken
In every area of life – whether it be professional, personal, or academic – having good communication skills can help you articulate your thoughts clearly.
Well-spoken women appear strong and unfazed. They are not afraid to speak their mind but know how to be polite at the same time.
Reading books can help you improve your vocabulary and learn new phrases to enhance your speech. Use your phone recorder to do audio journaling in your free time.
How about launching a podcast? It’s one of the things I’ve recently added to my bucket list. Do the same if you’re ready to take your speaking skills to the next level.
8. Pour Into Your Cup Of Self-Love
I know my telling you to ‘be yourself’ won’t magically make it happen for you. Authenticity takes time, patience, and days of working on your mindset.
But you know what a good place to start is?
Self-love. The beautiful art of loving yourself unconditionally.
An “it girl” knows how to pour into her cup of self-love through intentional daily practices. This habit makes her more confident while still keeping her humble.
Simple daily habits like spending time with yourself, smiling at the mirror, and creating gentle diary entries can help you practice self-love.
For a full guide, read: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs To Be Mentally Strong

9. Tune Into Your Positive Self
Your mind produces both negative and positive thoughts, but the side that you choose to focus on will naturally prevail.
Negativity holds you back from being your best self, while positivity lets you make the best of every situation.
To be more positive in life, start living in the moment and challenge your negative thoughts the moment they present themselves.
Teach yourself to focus on the best possible outcome instead of obsessing over the worst-case scenario.
Be encouraging toward others, live in the present moment, and avoid complaining about things you can’t control.
The more positive you become, the easier it will be to transition into your “it girl” era and stay there forever.
Read this: How To Be A More Positive Person (10 Mindful Habits)
10. Be Open To New Things
You can set yourself up for tremendous growth by saying being more open to new things.
Unless you have some strong reasons and a valid past experience to reject a new opportunity, say yes for the sake of learning something new.
Meet new people, be open to their points of view, and respect their opinions. This is what you call being open-minded, and it takes just a mental flip switch to become this way.
Be on the lookout for courses to upgrade your current skillset. This will help you stand out and become eligible for better opportunities.
Be adventurous – go out on trips, take solo vacations, and visit places you’ve never been before.
The world around you is always changing, and you need to evolve along with it as well. It’s a trademark habit of an “it girl”.
Similar post: How To Start A New Chapter In Life – 13 Auspicious Ways

11. Stay Humble
Being humble is an underrated quality, but if you possess it, you will be appreciated and admired more because of it.
Humility brings with it compassion, generosity, and gentleness toward every being. It grounds you in your reality while still allowing you to thrive.
If you are humble, you will never find your confidence taking the form of ego. You will be proud of yourself, but you’ll also admire others for their unique qualities.
So, be kind to others and appreciate the people around you. The more generous your heart is, the bigger will be your tendency to love and be loved.
Check out: 13 Tiny Ways To Be A Better Person From Today
12. Prioritize Your Mental Health
You could be the coolest gal in town with a thriving social life, but none of that would matter if you’re not happy from within.
If you want to fully embody the idea of an “it girl”, you need to prioritize your mental health.
Be aware of your emotions and find healthy ways to deal with them. Journaling, listening to podcasts, and reading self-help books can help.
Don’t shy away from saying no when you need to be by yourself. It’s important to establish healthy boundaries so that you can prioritize yourself.
Manage stress by doing yoga, exercise, meditation, and connecting with nature.
Be kind to yourself and build a strong support system by keeping in touch with your loved ones and seeing them on a regular basis.
Related post: 21 Good Habits For Mental Health And Ultimate Happiness

You Can Be The “It Girl”
There are billions of people in this world, but none of them is like you. When you’ll fully embrace this fact and take pride in your authenticity, you will become the “it girl.”
The powerful tips I’ve just given you will help you get there.
Will it take time? Yes.
But will it be fun? Absolutely!
You’ll get to know yourself up close and personal like never before, and your journey toward becoming the “it girl” will be full of lessons and self-growth.
So, tune out the annoying voice that’s saying ‘You can’t do it‘ and focus on me telling you that ‘You absolutely can!‘
Work well and work smart. I will see you in the next post. 🙂
Read next: How To Become That Girl – 11 Amazing Hacks
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