If you’re a woman who keeps up with ongoing social media trends, you must’ve wondered at least once how to become that girl.
It’s an idea that’s taken the online wellness community by storm, for many appealing reasons.
“That girl” embodies a woman who is living a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
She wakes up early in the morning, works out every single day, eats healthy, and follows a consistent routine.
She’s happy with her life because she works hard to make it good.
In a way, it won’t be wrong to say “that girl” is a perfect woman.
But here’s the deal about perfectionism – It’s an overrated illusion and something we don’t want to be chasing after.
At the same time though, there is always that sweet spot where you can have a well-balanced life and still be realistic in your vision of life.
Being “that girl” doesn’t have to be far-fetched anymore. A few simple habits and a consistent routine can help you imbibe this idea.
Before reading further, you might want to pin this post for safe keeping. 😀

In this post, we look into some tips on how to become that girl while keeping things fun, happy, and authentic.
If you’re ready to become your most realistic version of “that girl”, read on.
How To Become That Girl
1. Have An Early And Consistent Wake-Up Time
If a 5am morning routine doesn’t seem like your cup of tea, then don’t drink it.
“That girl” doesn’t force herself to make habits that don’t interest her, but she finds a middle ground to strike a good balance instead.
And when it comes to an ideal wake-up time, anything before 8 am is fine.
Anything later than that will just mess up your body’s natural rhythm and affect your daily routine.
Here are 10 simple ways to become a morning person and actually love it.
Also, aim for a consistent wake-up time. This will help you be in charge of your morning and also keep your bedtime consistent.
Leave your bed within 5-10 minutes of the alarm clock going off. Otherwise, you might end up dozing off again.
Make your bed as soon as you’re up, tidy yourself a bit, and do not indulge in any bad morning habits.
“That girl” loves her morning routine more than anything, so the more you can get yourself to cherish the golden hour, the better it will be for your wellness.
Related Post: 7 Morning Habits Of Successful People That Set Them Apart
2. Keep Water Within Your Reach
Hydration is the key to good health, glowing skin, a stress-free mind, and a positive attitude.
It is a super duper important habit “that girl” follows religiously.
You won’t ever find her without a water bottle, and that right there is the secret behind her high water intake.
If you want to make something a non-removable part of your routine, keep it with you at all times, and that includes water above everything else.
While working at a desk, keep a glass of water on your table and take regular sips from it.
Carry a bottle in your bag during your commutes, and keep one on your nightstand too.
Make it impossible for yourself to forget your hydration needs by keeping this liquid within your reach at all times.
“I forget to drink,” shouldn’t be an excuse anymore.

3. Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Confident
In all the “that girl” videos trending online, you must’ve seen a woman wearing attractive clothing.
She exudes a high level of confidence as she goes about her routine tasks, and that’s because she’s comfortable in her clothes.
You should always wear clothes that make you feel awesome.
There is no better way to celebrate femininity than by giving yourself the freedom to dress according to your style.
Some women like their clothes a little tight, while others prefer to wear loose and casual outfits.
A pair of heels might make a woman feel like a boss, while her sister might love rocking a pair of chunky sneakers.
Don’t try to fit yourself into a style you’re not comfortable with. You’re not made to fit into the dress; the dress is made to fit you.
So, listen to your body while you’re out shopping for new clothes, and only go for what makes you feel confident and amazing.
4. Nurture Your Body With Good Food
I don’t support the idea of “You are what you eat.”
Your identity is so much bigger than your food choices, but your gut health certainly depends on your eating habits to thrive.
If you want to make your body a habitable and healthy vessel, improve your food habits until you’re happy with your everyday diet.
I do not recommend banning or restricting yourself from certain food groups, because that can be toxic.
Ditch your bad eating habits, but don’t quit on the delicious food that you enjoy so much.
Instead, work on adding greener and healthier food to your meals. Consume protein, eat vegetables, munch on an apple, and drink herbal teas.
Go ahead and have that sugary treat you’re craving, but also enrich your body with the goodness of fruits.
Eat takeouts, but prepare a protein-rich breakfast and drink a glass of juice every alternate day.
Be “that girl” by practicing mindful eating. It will take you a long way to attain the ultimate body wellness.

5. Give Yourself Regular Breaks
“That girl” is always up for productive tasks and slays her work routine like a queen.
But she’s also kind to herself and knows the importance of taking breaks.
There is an obsession with hustling among the masses these days, but you are looking to become “that girl”, so you need to tune into slow living instead.
Don’t wait for exhaustion to hit before stopping for a break. Your mental health deserves better.
Throughout your day, take regular pauses of a few minutes.
Close your eyes, breathe in deep, and let all the tension seep out of your body. Do this as many times as you’d like to.
Allow yourself to relax at the end of the day, be okay with turning off your work notifications on weekends, and pamper yourself through self-care.
Bookmark For Later: 11 Important Signs You Need A Mental Break In Life
6. Do The Workouts That You Love
If you’re already regular with exercise, that’s great! You already have the most powerful habit of “that girl” in your control.
But if you’re someone who can’t seem to stick to their workouts, I get your trouble, girl.
It can be hard to get yourself excited about exercising if it doesn’t hold your interest.
But here’s the deal – everyone in this world has at least one activity that they really enjoy. You just have to find what works for you.
And how do you do that? By trying different things!
Two years back, I never thought I’d be that girl who works out every day.
But I made myself sign up for the gym, decided it didn’t work for me, then bought an exercise mat for my room.
I tried a dozen youtube channels and about 50 different workout videos before finding a couple that my body loved doing.
Now, I spend my mornings doing standing workouts and pilates, both of which I enjoy thoroughly.
The moral of the story is – Don’t force yourself to do exercises that don’t hold your interest.
You might do them for a few days, weeks, or even a year, but might end up losing interest eventually.
Stick to what you love, and have fun doing your kind of exercise. This can include dancing, Zumba, swimming, cycling, or even long walks.
If you’re stuck in a physical rut, check out: 8 Brilliant Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout

7. Personal Growth
If you want to grow in life, you have to be willing to make an effort.
Some life lessons will just come your way and others you need to find on your own.
“That girl” loves improving different areas of her life.
She’s willing to learn, adapt, and step out of her comfort zone at times to know more about herself.
Reading self-help books can help with this. The internet is a great source too.
You can find so many blogs out there that talk about personal growth – from career advice to lessons on how to be a better person.
A few months back, when I was confused and running low on inspiration, I went to Google and typed “What to do when you feel stuck in life.”
That one step brought me to this blog (seriously, the best thing I ever did.)
Personal growth is all about working on your self-confidence, inner peace, mental-wellbeing, and everything that can make you bloom in life.
So get rid of things that hold you back, and make some space for self-improvement. It’ll take you one step closer to becoming “that girl”.
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8. Say Yes To Journaling
“That girl” might not be a writer, but every day, she religiously picks up her journal and pours her heart out in the pages.
This helps her to let go of her past, plan her future, and declutter her mind.
Through journaling, she channels her self-love and allows herself to dream big.
Honestly, I don’t see a single reason why you shouldn’t pick up this habit today. It demands little of your time but gives back tenfold in return.
Start your mornings by writing down your daily goals and setting positive intentions for the day.
Create entries about your dream life and make action plans to manifest it.
Doodle in your journal, pen down affirmations, and use them to vent your emotions.
Make your journal a confidante, something you love with all your heart. Because in a way, it is a representation of your innermost self.

9. Practice Mindfulness Through Meditation
We all know “that girl” practices meditation, even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day.
I am throwing my own experience into the mix here and advising you to start with mindful meditation.
Not only is it easier to tap into it, but it can heighten your experience of life like nothing else.
I’ll be honest here – A few months back, I didn’t understand even the gist of mindfulness.
But delving into it has completely changed my life.
When you start practicing mindfulness, you become aware of your surroundings.
Your ability to stay in the present improves and your mind enters a blissful state.
Best of all – it makes you appreciate the little things in life you are blessed with.
This is great because gratitude is another thing “that girl” is good at.
Try it for yourself and see what I’m talking about:
10. Go Stress-Free
Whenever you think of “that girl”, you must imagine a glowing woman with an aura of freshness about her.
There’s no doubt that a good diet and regular exercise play a part in this.
But more than anything, it’s a stress-free attitude that makes the life of that girl so appealing.
You could have a flawless routine and the healthiest lifestyle, but all of that means nothing if you’re under constant pressure.
Stress does not belong in your life and there’s no need to normalize its presence in your brain.
Acknowledge this truth, and then boldly aim for a stress-free life.
It might seem like a challenge initially, but it’s important if you’re looking to embrace the mentality of that girl.
Practice self-care regularly, don’t worry about things you can’t control, and say no to overthinking.
Whenever you’re ready, check out the 11 habits of people who never take stress and adopt their way of life in your quest to become “that girl”.
11. Sleep Well
“That girl” maintains her wellness by taking care of her beauty sleep.
She has a fixed bedtime, doesn’t take her worries to bed, and knows the right practices to sleep well at night.
Sleep is a crucial factor when it comes to your overall well-being. If you want to beautify your health, work on your bedtime habits.
Start making your dinner light, and eat it at least 2 hours before you go to sleep.
Keep a humidifier on your nightstand to improve the quality of your sleep. Wear an eye mask to feel classy and comfortable.
If you’re truly looking to follow the habits of “that girl”, create a self-care night routine. It’ll help you bust stress.
Journal your thoughts, read a book, do basic skincare, and then curl up on your bed for a good night’s sleep.

Be That Girl Who Rocks The Art of Living
“That girl” might be a relatively new phrase, but the concept of a positive feminine lifestyle has been around for ages.
The 11 habits we discussed in this post will help you simplify the process of becoming “that girl.”
Don’t do this to follow a trend or to look cool. And don’t make this stressful for yourself by setting unrealistic life goals.
You should create these habits to make your routine less chaotic and find a beautiful order that’s just the right amount of messy around the corners.
It’s time for you to go back to your roots and embrace the woman you’ve always been deep inside.
Got a few ideas to share on how to become that girl? Drop a comment down below. I’m always happy to engage in fun conversations with you.

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