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Give your wellness routine a fresh approach by setting these 15 mental health goals that I personally swear by for a happy and content life.

It’s no secret that goals challenge us to be better. By setting short-term, realistic, and achievable goals, you can create a massive change in your life.
But let’s be honest – when we think of setting goals, we rarely take our happiness into account.
From public speaking to walking 10k steps per day, we set goals for everything under the sun, but our mental health somehow remains in the shadows.
It’s true that your mind has a mind of its own, but it always grows in the direction that you want it to go.
You can nurture good mental health by setting goals that are specifically aimed at increasing your happiness.
These are the types of goals that remind you to prioritize your mental health and help you master your emotions through gentle practices.
If you want to slow down in this fast-paced world, you are going to need some mental health goals that you can work on every day to nurture true joy in your life.
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In this post, we look at 15 mental health goals that will add more happiness, peace, and contentment to your routine life.
Read on if you’re ready to tackle some fun goals to improve your mental health.
15 Mental Health Goals
1. Create A Morning Routine
Most people start their day by waking up, showering, eating breakfast, and then jumping straight to their work. If they have time for it, they might squeeze in a quick morning workout, but that’s all.
That’s not really a healthy morning routine to be on. Your day should start on a slow and mindful note before building up to a more productive stage.
It’s not healthy for your mind to wake up with busy thoughts and go to bed with the same energy.
There is a lot more to your day than work, and a good morning routine will serve as a reminder of that.
Here are some things you can do every morning to set a positive tone for your day:
- Wake up before 8 am.
- Drink a glass of warm water.
- Make your bed.
- Step outside for some fresh air.
- Prepare a to-do list and set your intentions for the day.
- Create some morning pages in your journal.
- Go for a walk or do some yoga.
- Take a cold shower.
- Practice skin care.
- Consume a protein-rich breakfast.
For my busy readers: An Amazing 10-Minute Morning Routine

2. Be Regular With Journaling
Journaling is one of those golden habits that caters to every aspect of your mental health.
Be it stress management or mental decluttering, journaling is the key to unlocking all the practices that are essential for good mental health.
You don’t need to pen down everything that goes on in your life. But from time to time, sit down with your journal and let the words flow from your heart.
Express your emotions in simple words, try to make sense of your feelings, and let all your self-sabotaging thoughts pour onto the paper.
Even if you write down things in bullet points or short paragraphs that make sense only to you, it’ll be enough to give your brain a rest from storing all your overwhelming thoughts.
Plus, take it from someone who’s been in the journaling game for more than a year now – You will have a bucket load of fun exploring your journaling style and shopping for cute journals to add to your growing collection.
Bookmark now: 121 Positive Affirmations For Mental Strength To Make You Fearless
3. Maintain Healthy Boundaries
In your everyday life, you might interact with a lot of people, some who you have a nice equation with, others not so much with. In any case, you need strong mental boundaries to keep your internal energies reserved.
You should be in control of how much time to give someone or something, and how much to hold back for yourself.
Having no boundaries makes it easy for people to take advantage of you, even if they do it unintentionally. It’s like living in a house without a door.
Be vulnerable, but do it mindfully and only with people who you trust with all your heart. Attend parties, show up to events, and say yes to those plans, but don’t feel guilty when you have to say no.
It’s okay to value your personal space by having strong boundaries – your mind will thank you and love you for it.
4. Practice Daily Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the feelings that give you the power to tap into the present moment and squeeze happiness from simple acts such as smelling the flower, cuddling with your dog, or sipping on your favorite sweet beverage.
When you wake up in the morning, make it a habit to close your eyes and count your blessings.
At moments when you’re feeling low, think of three things that you are grateful to have in your life. In your happy moments, thank God for blessing you with a heart that has the ability to feel.
Daily gratitude will act as your personal tool of happiness and make you value the precious things in life that you might otherwise take for granted.

5. Carve Out Some Me-Time Everyday
I love being with friends and spending time with my family, but at the end of the day, I need to be by myself as I enjoy my cup of green tea while reading a book.
If you’re constantly surrounded by people, it can be hard to connect to yourself on a deep level. You need some me-time to reflect on your thoughts, check in on yourself, and do little things that make you happy.
So, when you are planning your schedule, don’t forget to pencil in some solo time.
You can journal during this time, enjoy a long bath, play your guitar, or curl up in bed with a light-hearted romance book.
Related post: 51 Best Solo Date Ideas For Your Me-Time
6. Step Outside
You could be the most introverted person that you know, but you still need to get outside and give your soul some fresh energy.
There is beauty in the act of indoor self-care, but nothing can beat the nourishment that comes from exposing yourself to the good old sunlight.
Go to the park for your daily walks, visit an outdoor cafe on the weekends, and spend your evenings on the rooftop enjoying the sunset.
The fresh air will act as therapy for your mind and soothe your nerves, leaving behind positive thoughts that will beautify your mind space.

7. Learn The Art Of Meditation
Meditation turns into the calmest and most peaceful version of yourself.
It’s a practice that’s hailed by wellness experts because of its ancient roots and its soothing effects on the brain.
I’m sure you’ve thought about adding meditation to your life at some point or another, but never gotten started. Well, turning it into a goal might help.
Start by doing 10 minutes of meditation every day for a week, then gradually add more time until you find your sweet spot.
The best time to meditate would be in the morning, or right before you are about to sleep.
Meditating during these hours will help you rid your mind of anxiety and create lighter and more positive thoughts.
8. Master Stress Management
Do you cope with stress properly, or do you choose to let it just be?
I have found that people are more comfortable doing the latter because stress has become too normal a part of this world.
But don’t let that hold you back from wanting to be free of stress. It’s not a pleasant emotion to store in your system, and you do have the option to manage it on a daily basis.
Recognize your stress-inducing factors and aim to remove them from your life completely.
It could be a person, an activity, or a social media platform that takes up most of your free hours.
Whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation, wait for the right moment to detach yourself from it, seek solitude, and indulge in mindful practices like journaling, talking to a friend, meditation, or a beauty nap.
Read this: 11 Amazing Habits Of People Who Never Get Stressed

9. Adopt Happy Food Practices
Good food is key to a happy lifestyle. The healthier your eating habits are, the cleaner your mind space will be.
Work on your eating habits by improving the quality of your meals.
Learn about your nutrition, look up healthy and tasty recipes on Youtube, and plan your meals in advance to avoid straying from your goals.
Your emotions around food matter too. Each of us is prone to emotional eating and feeling guilty about it afterward. This is only one of the habits that complicate our relationship with food,
Banning food items, extreme dieting, and being too conscious of your food are some practices that might make you see your food in a negative light.
I struggled to fix my eating habits for a long time, so I know how it can leave a sour impact on one’s mental health.
A book that really helped me overcome my problem was Eating In The Light Of The Moon.
If you are looking to establish a loving and enjoyable relationship with food, this is a book you need on your shelf.
10. Add Mood-Boosting Activities To Your Routine
There are certain activities that help you maintain a healthy level of serotonin – a mood-boosting hormone that impacts your mental well-being.
Make it a goal to do more such activities that lift you up. This will be a perfect step to ‘create’ joy in your life rather than waiting for it to come to you.
Some daily activities that will boost your mood:
- Soak in the morning sun rays.
- Do aerobic exercises like swimming and cycling.
- Dance in your free time.
- Listen to music.
- Cook your meals.
Must read: 21 Good Habits For Mental Health And Ultimate Happiness
11. Exercise To Improve Your Mental Health
People often exercise to get in shape, become physically stronger, and maintain a healthy and youthful glow.
But as I am sure you already know, exercise is also an excellent habit to nurture your mental health. It reduces stress, enhances your mood, and elevates your mental energies
Lately, I’ve been working out every day just because it makes me very happy. My day is much more manageable and stress-free when I work out in the morning than on days when I don’t.
If you want to take care of your overall well-being, then set a goal to exercise at least five times a week, and explore different workout routines until you find your favorite ones that you want to stick to.

12. Start Therapy
You don’t need to be going through something major in life to seek therapy. We can all use some professional help in our mundane life because where our mental health is concerned, no problem is big or small.
Your therapist will give you unique mental health goals that will be extremely helpful in improving the quality of your life.
They will also help you stay accountable to your well-being by indulging in small practices that fill your soul.
Look up a therapist in your vicinity or find one online. There are plenty of online portals offering really good services these days. You just have to be willing to try therapy.
Don’t miss: 8 Things You Need To Do For A Mental Detox
13. Nurture Good Relations
You are defined by many aspects of your life, and one of them is the relationships that you choose to keep.
If you surround yourself with good people, your life will naturally be good as well. On the other hand, toxic relations will give you trouble and add chaos to your life.
Make it a goal to nurture your relations that are valuable to you, and let go of people who disrupt your peace.
No person is good or bad, but relations are. You want to surround yourself with people who understand you and make you genuinely happy.
Stay in touch with your loved ones, spend time with your friends, and keep in touch with the people who are compatible with you.

14. Be Consistent With Your Sleep Schedule
Sleeping is meant to be your body and mind’s recovery period. You get it right, and your day will be full of energy and good vibes.
But these days, people often struggle to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. One of the main reasons behind this might be that there are too many distractions around us.
People don’t give enough value to sleep and instead favor their digital devices during the night. You need to prioritize good sleep over everything else so that your mind can get the rest that it needs and deserves.
Here’s what I recommend:
- Keep your dinner light.
- Turn off your phone an hour before your bedtime.
- Indulge in night self-care.
- Journal your thoughts.
- Keep a humidifier on your nightstand.
- Use a sleeping mask.
- Meditate for a few minutes.
Read More: 17 Insanely Productive Things To Do At Night Before Bed
15. Make Happiness Unconditional
There was a time when I thought of happiness as a privilege that I needed to earn. If I wasn’t productive or working toward an achievement, I didn’t think I deserved happiness.
‘If I work 8 hours a day, then I’ll be happy. If I become fit, then I will let myself enjoy life. When I get that promotion, then I’ll allow myself to have fun.”
All these ifs are the conditions that you unknowingly attach to your happiness. But the truth is we all are deserving of joy at each second of the day, regardless of our productivity levels.
So, let unconditional happiness be a lifelong goal and a central part of your being. You’ll be surprised by the magical changes it’ll bring to your life.
Popular on the blog: How To Be A Happier Person – 8 Ways To Enjoy Life To The Fullest

Set These Mental Health Goals To Be Happier
You can set many mental health goals for yourself. There is no end to the list of things you can do on a regular basis to be happy from the inside out.
The 15 mental health goals mentioned in this post will give you a good start. Take up some of these goals today and learn to prioritize happiness the way you prioritize the other things in life.
Read next: 5 Best Things I Did To Improve My Mental Health
Which goal from this list stood out to you? Drop a response in the comment box. I’d love to know your views on this topic.
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