So, you’re looking for some morning habits that will change your life, huh?
Well, as someone who used to hate her mornings but now can’t imagine a day without greeting the rising sun, I can tell you that you are headed in the right direction.
Ask successful people about the secrets behind their success, and they’d surely mention their morning routine as a key ingredient.
I never thought I could be an early bird and gets things done in the wee hours of the morning.
My sleep was precious to me and I didn’t really believe I could change my life by becoming a morning person, until during a life crisis, I decided to give morning routines a shot.
And oh boy, was I wrong or what.
Let me just say that all the hype on social media about that girl and her killer morning routines? It’s one hundred percent real.

In this post, we look at morning habits that will change your life for the better. These habits are an important part of my current morning routine, and I can boldly vouch for their amazing benefits.
If you want to shift your daily routine in a positive direction, these are the 11 things you should be doing every morning.
Let’s get started!
11 Morning Habits To Change Your Life
1. Wake Up By 6 AM
See, there is a reason why there’s such a buzz around the idea of being a morning person. And let’s not even pretend as if we haven’t given this habit a shot multiple times in our lives.
The sooner you can leave bed, the more productive your day will be. It’s as simple as that.
I’m not asking you to ditch your morning sleep and turn it into a 4 am morning bee (though if you can somehow pull that off, more power to you!)
Just shift your waking time before 6 am.
Two reasons for this: a) You’ll get to catch the rising sun, which is a bonus morning habit that will fill you with positivity and give your eyesight a power boost, and b) You’ll have a good 2 hours to indulge in a slow morning routine.
Also, 6 am is the sweet point in the morning that’s neither too early nor too late. So, perfectionists, take note. You might want to reset your alarm clocks right now.
A Post That Will Help: How To Become A Morning Person And Love It – 10 Simple Ways
2. Hydrate Yourself
If we’re not getting our morning glass of water, we’re doing wrong by our bodies.
This liquid makes up about sixty percent of the human body. Forgoing it is simply not an option (and if it is, it’s not a very healthy one.)
Not to be dramatic or anything, but it is your sacred duty to keep up with your daily water requirements, and morning is the right time to grab your first of many glasses for the day.
Squeeze out the maximum benefits by taking your water warm. It will help you flush the toxins in your gut that get accumulated overnight.
Be seated as you take small sips from your glass, and let your morning hydration be a reminder to keep up with this habit till bedtime.
Use a water-tracking app to reach your daily target of 8-10 glasses. That is the bare minimum you need to keep your body healthy and happy.
Related Post: 10 Unique Habits Of Healthy Women You’ll Be Tempted To Try
3. Tap Into Mindfulness

Practicing morning mindfulness is a sweet and important ritual that we don’t talk about enough.
It is something I added to my morning routine last year, and my only regret is that I didn’t get started sooner.
Mindfulness is the art of living in the moment. It makes you conscious of your surroundings but in a really good way.
You learn to let go of your past and start enjoying the little things that make life beautiful.
Sounds wonderful, right?
Now, imagine starting each day with a conscious decision to be mindful. Your life will become so much easier and simpler.
You’ll learn how to turn off your “hustle” mode, and stress-free might just become your new motto.
Try five minutes of morning meditation to remind yourself to slow down and bring your awareness to the present.
You can also step outside, close your eyes, and breathe in some fresh air. Soak in the beauty of nature and use it to remind yourself that mindfulness is the ultimate sense of being.
Move on with your morning routine with this mindset and fall in love with your life just the way it is at the moment.
Might Help: 101 Quick 5-Minute Self-Care Activities For A Refreshing Time
4. Avoid Digital Screens For The First Hour
I’m going to be honest here. There are days when I forget to uphold my no-screens policy and end up checking my phone the moment I’m up. But mostly, I try not to.
Despite the convenience that digital devices bring to our routine, there is no denying the fact that they can turn us into major stress balls.
I love using my phone to read and snap cute pictures, but when a notification pops up, a weird excitement zings through my brain that does not feel natural.
I know your phone is a lifeline, and it’d be unrealistic to go hours without checking it for important work and life updates. But it should also not be the first thing you reach for the moment you’re up.
Your morning should comprise habits that make you tune inward instead of outward, and because of this reason, digital screens should be a no-go zone.
Stay unplugged for the first hour of the morning by restricting the usage of laptop, TV, and your phone. I promise they’ll still be there when you’re done completing your morning rituals.
Important Post: 11 Toxic Habits You Need To Discard Right Now
5. Create A To-Do List
I don’t know how I went so long without creating a to-do list, but now it is the best productivity hack that I use at the beginning of each day.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to go with the flow of things, the idea of making checklists can seem overwhelming.
But once you get started, it can make things super duper easy for you.
Firstly, penning down your daily goals makes you feel responsible and accountable to get things done. And secondly, it helps you calm your anxiety about impending tasks.
And let’s not forget that it’s an effective way to beat procrastination – an annoying bug that we do not want to deal with.
So, adding checklists to your list of new morning habits? Check.
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6. Finish One Of Your Daily Chores
I don’t know how this happened, but on a fine morning, I found myself doing the laundry at 5am and it completely changed my definition of a good morning routine.
Never thought a day would come when I’d say this, but peeps, I think I might actually like doing my laundry now.
And that’s because I now do it in the magical morning hours instead of putting it off till the weekend.
I always thought mornings should be slow and blissful, but never took into consideration that you can still maintain this state of mind while getting a task done.
When you do a chore in the morning – be it organizing your desk, cleaning your bathroom, or watering your plants – you actually enjoy the work instead of just “getting it done”.
If you’d rather not drag a daily goal into your morning routine, feel free to skip this tip. But productivity enthusiasts, take note.
This might just be the golden hack that’s missing from your start-of-day routine.
Related: 10 Important Things To Do At The Beginning Of Every Month
7. Read And Write Something

If you want to get your brain muscles working, add reading to your morning routine.
It is a blissful habit that breeds positive thinking, something we can all do in this uncertain life.
I like picking a self-help book that can reaffirm some strong truths to me. I am currently on to Ikigai – which is a perfect read to start your day on a happy note.
If you like staying updated on worldly happenings, then catch the news headlines.
Read blogs if you want to open your mind to new ideas, and enjoy some unique content over your morning coffee.
I am also an advocate for writing morning pages in your daily journal. Pen down your morning mood, see what your brain’s up to, and motivate yourself to make the best of your day.
It’s a cute way to say hello to yourself in the morning and act as your own cheerleader.
Recommended: 11 Bad Morning Habits You Need To Quit
8. Workout
It’s no secret that daily exercise is one of the best-kept habits of all healthy women. But did you know most of them do their workouts first thing in the morning?
Sweating your body out is a power move. It flares your mood, gets you into your girl boss mode, and gives you all the confidence you need to create a good day.
Wear a kickass workout outfit and step onto your mat. Do cardio, try yoga, or go for a session of pilates to get your abs fired up.
And if the idea of home workouts doesn’t get you grooving, then you have the option to head outside. Nothing can beat the good old running out in the lap of nature.
You don’t have to do anything crazy if your body’s not up for it. Just get yourself to love the act of moving and sweating, and your system will take care of the rest.
Not convinced yet? Check Out: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Morning Exercise (That You Need For Good Health)
9. Shower And Skin Care
Winters can be an exception to this grooming habit, but your summer morning routine must include a stop to your bathroom for a cold shower.
I think we can all agree that a shower is a one-stop solution for all your self-care needs. It cleans your beautiful body, relieves your mind of stress, and cleanses your spirit.
It won’t be wrong to say that it is a sort of healing ritual, and you can make it more soothing by adding mindfulness to the mix.
Use a body lotion that pleases your senses and is gentle to your skin, and take a few precious minutes to let the water soak every inch of you.
Romanticize your experience by blasting some music in your room and leaving your bathroom door an inch open. Wrap yourself in a fluffy bathrobe before stepping out for your skincare routine.
Pat your face dry, apply some toner, moisturize your skin, and add a layer of sunscreen for power protection against the light.
Don’t miss your lip balm – gotta protect your smile at all costs.
Similar Post: 5 Beautiful Wellness Hacks I Wish I’d Learned Sooner
10. Dress Up Well
Here’s a sheepish confession – Up until a few months back, I used to dress like a lazy gal. I’m talking ratty sweatshirts and pants with holes in hidden spots.
It was one of the bad morning habits I ditched during a life detox.
I admit there’s a homey feeling that comes from dressing in your comfortable clothes.
But if you’re looking to channel your most productive self, it is best to dress your best.
Sure, put on the baggy t-shirt that you adore and can’t live without, but who says you can’t pair it with your nicest jeans and trendiest shoes?
Expand your personal definition of style to fit your best self, whatever that might look like.
You’ll be surprised at the positive difference it can bring to your morning energy.
A Powerful Read: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs To Be Mentally Strong
11. Eat A Fulfilling Breakfast

Don’t skip your morning meal for any reason whatsoever, because I can assure you nothing is more important than filling yourself up in the morning.
Staying on an empty stomach will just make you cranky. Not to mention you become prone to overeating your lunch, which is a recipe for a dull afternoon routine.
Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. Make it healthy and satisfying, and consume it before 8am to give your body the energy it needs to get going.
Include eggs in your morning diet to meet your daily protein requirements.
Have at least one fruit to curb your sugar cravings, and include food items like toast, oats, and cottage cheese for a well-balanced diet.
Interested to learn more? Read: 8 Healthy Food Habits For A Beautiful Lifestyle
Use These Positive Habits To Set Your Morning Mood
Hate ’em or love ’em, mornings are the most important part of your routine.
Your morning habits can either make or break the structure of your life, which is why it’s important to cultivate good habits that can complement your mornings and make you glow.
The morning habits discussed in this post will change your life and how you approach it.
It will take time to adopt them, no doubt, but once the habit-building phase is done and dusted, mornings will become the most cherished part of your everyday life.
Got any morning tips to ask or to share? I’m all ears! Drop a comment down below, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Thank you so much…I am a 73 yr old woman who is struggling and I am going to try your routine and see if it can make a difference in my life…trying to get my small business back on track
That’s great to know! Habit-building takes time, as we all know, and it seems like you have the patience that’s needed to make a good morning routine stick. That’s why I KNOW you will succeed.
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out the post. ❤️
I will try
Good to know 🙂
Thank you! I like your suggestions a lot, I been waking up 6:30 and I do some of the 11 habits but now I’m going to try 6am and do the 11 habits and hopefully my life will be more healthy
You’re already doing so great. So happy to know that you liked the suggestions. Wishing you many happy mornings ahead.
Do you shower first thing or wait an hour?
I take a shower one or two hours after waking up. There was a time when I used to hop into shower within 20 minutes of waking up. That was when I had busier mornings and needed to be up and ready to leave within an hour. But now, since I work from home, I follow some healthy morning rituals first, then do some work (including house chores), and then I take a shower to calm myself and properly start my day with a soft mind.