Tired after a long week of work, and can’t wait to go into hiding? Here are 15 self-care weekend ideas that are perfect for a fun Saturday and a lazy Sunday routine.

Your Monday to Friday routine can be quite hectic.
After being up on your feet running, you want to just throw down the towel and sprawl out on the bed.
While that is a cozy way to relax, there are other much more impactful and effective ways to unwind.
I am talking about putting self-care to use here and tapping into its rejuvenating goodness.
Weekend self-care cleanses your mental spirit, recharges your body, and helps you reset your mind to prepare for the coming week.
It’s the antidote that wellness lovers swear by against stress and tension, and after today, you won’t be able to plan your weekend without adding self-care to the mix.
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In this post, we are looking at the 15 best self-care weekend ideas that you have to try.
Pick the ones that appeal to you the most, and add them to your coming Saturday and Sunday self-care routine for a healthy mental detox.
Wish you a happy weekend.
1. Sleep In Late
I am a morning person through and through; it’s a habit that makes my routine super positive and keeps me fresh all day long.
But I’d be lying if I say that it’s something I keep up with even during the weekends. And honestly, I don’t mind breaking my 5 am morning routine in this instance.
To me, nothing sounds cozier than sleeping in late on a Sunday morning.
Your body gets all the rest that it’s due, you get to laze around on your bed all morning, and that’s how your brain gets the memo to slow down.
Don’t feel guilty about waking up late on a weekend.
You have all week to be productive and be an early bird, but it’s okay to stray away from your habits during the weekend.
Self-care is about acknowledging that each day demands something different from you. It’s solely your responsibility to cater to this shift and adjust accordingly.
Related Post: 11 Morning Habits You Might Want To Quit
2. Pamper Your Skin
It can be hard to look after your beloved skin during the busy hours of the week.
“Face serum and lip balm for protection? What are you talking about?! I’ve got a report to finish.”
Yeah, I get you. You’re a busy bee, and skincare might not be a top priority on a Wednesday morning. But it’s the weekend, and now your excuses are not applicable.
It’s true that you should aim to be consistent with your skincare routine. But once a week, a pamper session is just as important.
Here are some things you can try:
- Exfoliate your skin.
- Use steam to unclog your face pores.
- Moisturize your body with a suitable lotion.
- Apply a face pack or a face mask.
- Oil your hair, followed by thorough rinsing with a nice shampoo.
- Take a long bath with all your favorite essential oils,
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3. Cook A Favorite Meal
It’s really fun indulging in delicious food during the weekends.
It acts as an incentive to keep up with a healthy diet throughout the week, knowing you have the weekends reserved for your favorite meal.
You can make the prospect even more exciting by turning into a weekend chef!
Whip up a fluffy breakfast, turn on the mixer for a glass of fruity shake, or prepare something grand for dinner.
If cooking is not your thing, you can always order from your favorite restaurant and indulge in a guilt-free takeout meal.
The only thing I suggest you steer clear of is overeating. It can be really harsh on your gut and is kind of on the opposite end of the self-care spectrum.
Rest assured, this self-care idea is a must-try for every weekend for a skillful me-time.
4. Spend Time With A Friend
Up for some chitchat, heartfelt conversations, or a round of fun gossip? Invite a friend over to your house, go to theirs, or head outside to a park with them.
Kick back your feet, relax, and spend an hour or two catching up with them.
If you feel like it, go out shopping with them, because that’s always fun (um, though a bit expensive, for sure.) Movies would be great too.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter what you choose to do. As long as you’re with a good friend, you could be burning down the kitchen and still have fun.
Socializing is one of the 7 types of self-care, one that helps dodge loneliness, and avoid becoming too self-reliant (and yes, that is a real thing.)
So, make it a part of your weekend routine at least twice a month. Trust me, it’s something you need.
Bookmark for later: 21 Habits Of People Who Are Always Happy
5. Visit A Place You Haven’t Been To Before
I know I promised you a fulfilling and stress-free time, and you can still have all of that.
But to make things exciting, think you can step outside for a few hours? I believe you would if you have enough incentives.
For starters, you’re not likely to go strolling around the city during the week.
That leaves us with Saturdays and Sundays to make up for your adventure-loving soul (yes, we all have one.)

Got google on your phone? Time to make use of it.
Search for places to visit in your city, and pick a spot you haven’t seen before. It can be a nature trail, a restaurant, or an art museum.
Kidnap a friend to accompany you, or better yet, go solo!
Don’t quite know how to spend time by yourself? Check Out: 51 Best Solo Date Ideas
6. Movie Marathon
So, the idea of going to a new place isn’t your cup of tea? That’s alright.
Cook some popcorn, grab your PJs and turn into a couch potato for a night of movie marathon.
Again, you have the option to organize a family or friends movie night or be by yourself for a fun evening.
I always go with the latter option for this one, because I’m greedy like that. Can’t share my popcorn, sorry peeps.
I suggest binge-watching a movie series (hello, avengers), or ticking off the top few items on your movie bucket list.
You can never go wrong with a re-run of your favorite romantic comedies either.
Or if you’re a mix-and-match type, watch random movies from different genres. It’ll be chaotic, but at least you’ll have a spontaneous night.
7. Read A Book
Are you a bibliophile like me? Okay, never mind, because either way, reading over the weekend is an activity I highly recommend.
When I think of a weekend self-care idea that ticks all the boxes, reading comes to mind.
It is cozy, classy, and extremely rewarding for your mind. Also, note it has the ability to unknot your worries and help you let go of your pressing issues.
And if you want to think smart, like me, it could almost pass for a form of socializing (I mean, hello, all the twisted characters.)
Seriously, is there any reason not to indulge in weekend reading? (Let me know in the comment box if you have an answer.)
Don’t have the patience or interest to sit with a book? Here’s something you’ll love: 101 Quick 5-Minute Self-Care Activities For A Refreshing Time
8. Paint Your Nails
Sometimes, little things in life can give you a bundle of joy, and this self-care idea is one of those things.
Are you a fashion diva who loves experimenting with different trends and styles? If yes, then you’d love to spend a few minutes decorating your nails.
And if you’re not into this at all, then hey, there’s nothing wrong with trying something different.
Two years back, I couldn’t even hold a nail brush without running it all over my fingertips. My 19-year-old awkward self didn’t know how to paint my neglected nails.
I’m no beautician now, but let’s just say I know a thing or two about picking the right nail colors, so that’s progress!
Pick a little corner in your house, sit down with a bottle of your all-time favorite nail polish, shake it, and get going.

The best thing about this idea is that it’ll stay with you for the coming week.
It’ll act as a powerful reminder of your weekend self-care session, and stop you from overdoing yourself at work.
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9. Binge-Watch A Series
Are you a sitcom geek? Or a thriller binge-watcher? Fantasy does anything for you, or is it a hot romance drama that always keeps you hooked?
I’ll tell you what works for me – pretty much all of it, and so I am always up for a weekend of binging on the current popular TV series.
What is more captivating than immersing yourself in a different world? Not much, I’ll tell you that.
On a weekend when you don’t feel like doing anything, and every single plan to hang out with your friends ends up getting canceled, let’s call a series binging to the rescue.
Pick something you’ve had your eyes on for some time now, or re-watch a show that you can’t get enough of.
It might also be a perfect time to introduce yourself to the world of anime.
Seriously, those things have been making the rounds for a reason. If you’re not on the anime boat already, hope on and soar away this weekend!
10. Go To A Cozy Cafe In The Evening
If you’re looking for an outdoor weekend activity that would be as cozy as lounging in your house, then a sweet little cafe might work beautifully.
You can have some tasty food with a warm drink, and enjoy the aesthetically pleasing vibes that can only be found in cafes.
Take a book to read as you wait for your order, savor every bite of your food, and come back home feeling satisfied from your little evening out.
Make sure to do a little research before heading out. See if you want to check out a new place, or go somewhere familiar and comfortable.
Either way, I’m sure this is an idea you’ll want to hit replay on every other weekend.
Recommended: 12 Amazing Ideas For The Best Self-Care Night Routine
11. Work On A Gratitude List
The power of gratitude is tremendous when it comes to self-love and healing. It’s humbling, grounding, and promotes selflessness.
Remind yourself about all the things you are grateful for by creating a gratitude list.
You can grab a piece of paper or use your daily journal for this. Don’t jot down all the items in one go. You have a whole weekend to do it right.
Start with gratitude item number 1 on a Friday night, and gradually work your way down to a satisfying list.
For best results, do this every weekend, and keep it within your reach throughout the weekdays. It’ll act as a source of healing energy for you.
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12. Head Outside For A Long Walk
Nature is the best company on any kind of day, but can be especially therapeutic after a long week of work.
If you can find the closest green destination, I’d recommend visiting it for a morning walk session on a Saturday morning.
A hiking trip would be even better. The scenic beauty would be a perfect reminder for you to unwind your thoughts and to just let it all go.
If a greenish place isn’t accessible, simply step out of your house in a pair of sneakers, and start walking.
All the people, little gardens, and the vast sky are just as much a part of nature as a valley of flowers.
Plug in some music, jog if you’d like, and be mindful of each step that you take.
Walking is an excellent form of cardio, and in my opinion, one of the healthiest self-care weekend ideas.
13. Indulge In A Hobby
My idea for a fun solo time is always to strum on my ukulele. It’s a hobby I found 5 years ago and have hung on to strongly since.
I am sure you have several hobbies that you might or might not be in regular touch with. Think you’d like to indulge in one of them this weekend?
It will help you connect to your roots and have a great time too. If you can’t think of something to do, it’s never too late to pick up something new.
Try your hand at gardening, sketching, painting, or baking some delicious goodness.
Youtube will be your best pal and acting guide here. So, make full use of it.
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14. Do Yoga For Mindfulness
Weekends should be reserved for de-stressing and recharging your mental health.
This is something that can be easily achieved through a few minutes of yoga, an ancient practice that is hailed for its numerous wellness benefits.
I recently added yoga to my morning exercises and found it to be an amazing way to rejuvenate. To me, it’s like meditation, just with the added perk of getting a workout in.
Here’s a 30-minute pure joy yoga class you can try on a Sunday morning.
It’s the one I hit play on every time I’m looking to spend time with my yoga mat. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
15. Be Creative
I truly believe that every person is capable of creating. We are all parts of this wonderful process and can use it to tap into our hidden strengths.
For a quiet weekend, work on creating something. The possibilities here are endless.
It can be anything to everything – a scrapbook, a family collage, a painting, a DIY photo frame, or something to use as a decoration piece.
Once again, if you’re lost, head over to Youtube and browse around till you find something you’d like to create.
Even if you don’t end up with a masterpiece, it’ll be unique and completely yours.
Be kind to yourself, take pride in whatever you create, and don’t forget to snap pictures to share with your loved ones.
Use These Self-Care Weekend Ideas To Unwind
I’d like to end this post on a strong note – Don’t feel guilty about self-care, even though your brain might try to convince you otherwise.
It’s your right to look after every aspect of your being, and self-care is one of the best tools to make that happen.
Pamper yourself with as many self-care weekend ideas as you’d like to.
Be free with your emotions, listen to your heart, and always follow that tiny voice in your head that tells you to slow down.
Have a bucket-load of fun this weekend. I know you’re gonna make this one count.
Do me a favor before you go – Suggest any two random self-care weekend ideas for my Sunday routine. I’m always up for trying new things and would love to hear from you.

What about attending church and connecting with friends there and give thanks for everything?
That sounds wonderful, Michelle. Would love to add this tip to my future blog posts. Thank you so much for taking the time to share!