I never actively looked for ways to be a better person.
I thought growth is a part of life, and every lesson that’s meant to be mine will come to me on its own.
That mindset cost me some precious years that I could’ve spent making self-improvement happen for myself.
But you know what they say about growing and learning – it’s never too late to get started.
And yes, that includes becoming a better person, something you can start doing from today onward.

I’d like you to take a moment to acknowledge the power of the word ‘better’. I don’t think we quite realize how significant its meaning is.
‘Good’ is a pleasant state to be in, and ‘best’ is…well, best, I guess.
But ‘better’ signifies growth and improvement. It’s a word full of life, calmness, and contentment.
It means you are learning as your days go by, and making your way toward a brighter tomorrow.
But the thing I like the most about this state of mind is that it’s something you can manifest in your life right now.
And all you need to make it happen are some daily habits, actions, and some soft determination to improve yourself as a person.
Better people create a better world.
Being better is not about being more likable; it’s something you work on to become a better human just because you want to.
And the fact that you are reading this post of your own free will shows that you are ready to be a better person, and I really appreciate you for that.
Before reading further, consider pinning this post to share the love. 😊

In this post, we look at some tiny ways to be a better person. These tips are direct results of the steps I took in my own growth journey.
It took me time to figure out these life lessons, but I am so grateful for having gone through this learning curve.
I hope you find some key takeaways from this post to use in your own wellness journey.
Let’s dive right in.
13 Ways To Be A Better Person In Life
1. Support Others
When we uplift the people around us, our whole world lifts with them.
Because think about it – what is your world made of? Your room, your house, you, and the people in your immediate surroundings.
You probably don’t yet realize it, but you hold a lot of power when it comes to shifting the energy of the people around you.
It’s best to put this ability to good use.
In simpler words, be the change that you want to see in the world.
Support your family members, friends, colleagues, and even the random people you strike up conversations with on your way to work.
Use encouraging words, smile as you listen to them, and always adopt a positive tone of speech when responding to self-doubting questions from others.
Show your faith in their causes, believe in them from the bottom of your heart, and display genuine happiness when good things happen for them.
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2. Avoid Getting Angry
No good comes from having an angry outburst – it destroys your peace of mind more than it affects the people around you.
Angry emotions are often the result of underlying problems, such as not facing your emotions on time, ignoring your feelings, and not using proper venting channels for your negative self.
When you fail to express, a tsunami of emotions stirs up inside you, and it explodes in the form of an angry storm (don’t mind the weird geography analogy here, our minds are awkward like that.)
The worst thing is that the people around us take the brunt of this, which is highly unfair.
Nobody in this world is obligated to bear our toxic habits and emotions, anger more so than anything.
So, I suggest you get a hold of this emotion for once and all.
Your coping mechanism should be so strong that anger has to think twice before even knocking on your brain’s door.
More on this: How To Calm Yourself Down (10 Simple Ways That Work)
3. Be Open And Honest
The truth can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow, but once you start choosing it over dishonesty, you won’t ever want to go back.
You might sometimes say words you don’t mean, just to please others and get their approval. It saves you from getting into awkward situations.
But I am here to tell you that you don’t need to do any of that.
If you want to be known for something, be known for your straightforwardness and your quality of speaking freely, openly, and honesty.
People should come to you not for validation, but for advice that they can trust because they know you come without any gimmicks.
Don’t make excuses when you can speak the truth. Be upfront about your situation instead.
The more you embrace truth and honesty, the clearer your mind and heart will get. Ultimately, this state of being will be a cherished part of your personality.
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4. Do Nice Things For Others Without Being Asked
Every opportunity to be kind is your chance to become a better person. You should grab such moments without a second of hesitation.
Don’t live with a mindset of ‘I don’t need to do this for her.’ Your thought line should instead be, ‘I’ll do it because I can.’
You don’t have to go out of your way to be nice. Even the smallest of efforts can make someone smile.
If you’re grabbing a coffee from the office vending machine, why not ask the neighboring cubicle woman if she needs a cup too?
And if you’ve baked a fresh batch of cookies and the family next door is sitting out on the porch, why not offer them a few?
Oh, and if you think your friend looks nice in their summer dress, why not let them know it?
These are just a few random acts of kindness.
You can do countless things to put a smile on someone’s face, and it doesn’t have to require any monumental effort on your part.
Your heart has a vast capacity to care for others. Don’t waste this precious tendency of yours by keeping it locked inside you.
5. Be Mindful Of Your Words
Humans have an immense capacity to love, but sadly, hurting each other comes attached.
It’s unavoidable that you’ll get caught up in arguments, conflicts, and disagreements.
But as a good person, your role should be to minimize escalation by keeping a hold on your tongue.
Whether you’re having a heated discussion or a normal conversation, think before you speak.
What’s a harmless statement to you could be a snide remark to someone’s ears.
I know people have hurt you through their words in the past, but this cycle will not be stopped unless you take the initiative.
So, act considerate by taking people’s emotions into account, and be wise with your choice of words.
Avoid a negative tone of speech, and be more optimistic in your conversations. It’s one of the best ways to be a more positive person.
Also, speak softly as often as you can. It’ll help you practice stillness and also make the other person extremely comfortable in your presence.
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6. Respect Everyone
Albert Einstein said, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”
I’ve met people in life who treat everyone with the utmost respect, irrespective of their position and job in this society.
My father is one of them, and I was mindful enough to adopt this quality from him. It’s a perspective that keeps me grounded and helps me earn respect in return.
Your treatment of others should not depend on their role in your life. If you greet your boss with a smile, do the same for the doorman.
Never frown upon someone who has a different way of life than you.
Be open-minded, return every smile you receive, and always carry kindness in your eyes.
Because trust me, what goes around comes around.
The more you respect others, the more you’ll earn it. And in my opinion, it’s the fairest and most humbling exchange you can ask for.
7. Admit Your Mistakes
Making mistakes is a part of life. You learn by causing errors, observing them, and then trying new things to see if they work out better.
More often than not, your mistakes might impact other people. I know you wouldn’t do it intentionally, but it does happen.
We know the ideal thing to do in such situations is to apologize. Yet many of us don’t do this, and do you know why that is?
Because we often struggle to admit our mistakes to ourselves. It’s just easier to blame others, and that’s what we need to improve right this second.
Admitting your faults is NOT a sign of weakness. If anything, it makes you more mature, understanding, and wise.
Be accepting of your tendency to be wrong, learn from your errors, and apologize as soon as you realize you’ve made a mistake.
Don’t forget to be kind to yourself about this. You’re just a person trying to do the right thing. It’s okay to fall at times.
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8. Listen As Others Speak
Being a good listener is an underrated quality, one that comes with many perks.
You could be the best speaker in the world, but if you don’t listen as others speak, how are you going to grow as a person?
We are all independent in this society, and this fact should be put to good use by learning and adopting admirable behavior from each other.
And to make this happen, you need to start paying attention as others speak.
While you’re in a group conversation, contribute by speaking often but be quiet just as much, and allow others to say their piece.
In a one-on-one conversation, show that you’re being attentive by making eye contact.
Make simple gestures like nodding your head, and making understanding noises to let the other person know that they’re being heard.
This quality will make you genuine, easy to talk to, and highly approachable.
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9. Embrace Authenticity
People waste a lot of time trying to be someone they’re not.
Maybe you have a chirpy soul, but find yourself going extremely quiet in the presence of other people because you think they like that better.
But that might end up making you feel suffocated. Because this solemn woman sipping coffee and not uttering a word is actually a stranger to you!
This is no different than doing an unsatisfying job. If your heart lies in writing, it’s going to be hard to work as a manager, even if you’re well paid.
Similarly, your current personality might attract a lot of people, but if you’re faking appearances, you won’t be truly happy.
Always, always, choose authenticity over a faux version of yourself.
Be it for a job interview, a party, or for a stroll to the library, carry your core with you wherever you go.
The people who stay by your side knowing this authentic side of you will be your true friends.
And everything that comes attached to this pure side of you will be yours in every sense of the word.
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10. Channel Your Strengths
Do you think you’re hyperfocused on your weaknesses and might be undermining your strengths? If yes, let’s help you get rid of this problem.
Here’s a secret formula behind the success of smart people – They channel their strengths to work on their weak areas.
Honestly, that is the most logical way you can go about becoming better.
Focus on your strengths, use them to the best of your limits, and then bring your attention to your weak points.
Granted, the weaknesses you work on should be relevant to your life.
For example, three years back, I was looking to get healthier.
Gyms would bring my energy down, so I instead pour my energy into hitting the road; I’ve loved walking since I was a child.
By channeling my love of outdoor activity, I was able to improve my fitness, as a consequence of which I was eventually able to compromise by starting home workouts.
See what I mean? Your strengths can never disappoint you, so you should maximize their use in your everyday life.
Do this and there will be no challenge, no hurdle that you can’t overcome.
11. Forgive
Holding grudges, resentment, and hard feelings has become normalized.
If you really want to be the voice of change, learn to let go and embrace the beauty of forgiveness.
There is no greater power in this world than the ability to forgive others. It allows you to be the bigger person, and move on without any burden on your heart.
I know this is something that’s easier said than done. But remember how we just talked about the importance of admitting your mistakes?
Well, forgiving is the process that follows next. If you expect people to be gentle with your mistakes, you should be able to do the same for them.
And if people around you are stubborn and refuse to forgive you, don’t let their habit rub off on you.
Teach yourself how to forgive others, including those who are not in your life anymore. If not for the sake of being better, do this for your mental health.
You are not in this world to live with the ghosts of your past or carry the mistakes of those who have wronged you.
Leave it all behind, and you’ll find it easier to move on and be happier in life.
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12. Practice Gratitude
As humans, we take life quite seriously. And I guess at times that’s a good thing, but it leads to a fast-paced routine and instability.
Lately, I’ve been working on slowing down myself, and the best tool I’ve found for this is gratitude.
If you’re looking for some simple ways to be a better person, this tip is for you.
Gratitude isn’t a one-time activity that you experience once and forget about for days.
It takes practice, mindfulness, and willingness to tap into this surreal feeling and make it a regular habit.
You can make this happen by counting your blessings, creating gratitude lists, and being extremely thankful to God for every good thing that comes your way,
Your sense of gratefulness should be so strong that you feel it the moment you pick up your journal, drink a glass of water, or go outside for a walk in nature.
Also, be grateful to yourself for all your strengths, your ability to work on your weaknesses, and every tiny detail that makes you who you are.
13. Love The Nature
Being a better person isn’t just about treating your fellow humans nicely. We have to account for Mother nature too.
It’s easy to neglect the natural beauty around you when you’re busy hustling in life. But once you start practicing gratitude for nature, you naturally slow down.
Your tendency to love starts to blossom the more appreciate nature in all its glory.
The best thing is that it doesn’t take much to become a devotee of nature. Some simple mindful acts can make all the difference.
Breathe in the fresh air, start gardening, smile at the sight of flowers, and go on long walks for a quiet time with nature.
Also, don’t forget to love animals. They are beautiful parts of this world and are deserving of your attention and care.
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Being A Better Person Doesn’t Have To Be Hard
I know life can be overwhelming at times. You might feel like there isn’t enough time or space for you to look for ways to be a better person.
But that’s the beauty of becoming better. It doesn’t demand much of your time or energy. Instead, it fuels your zest for life and simplifies things for you.
In this post, we discussed 13 of the best ways to be a better person. Work on them, and see how your life changes.
Don’t forget to be proud of yourself every step of the way.
And if there’s anything I can help you with, drop a comment down below. I’m always up for a good chat.
Thank you for writing this! I love my job as a cashier, I get to talk to so many people and I try to always offer a good word and a smile as my customers leave. I will definitely do all of these things. I’m learning to live on my own and I am terrified but I will succeed.
Hi, there Jinnifer. Thank you for taking the time to write to me. Your words put a smile on my face. It’s always nice meeting someone who’s enthusiastic about making other people happy.
Your job sounds great! I’ve been hoping to be more interactive in my everyday life and your comment is encouraging me to actually make that happen.
Also, congratulations on taking the decision to be independent. You have all my best wishes. I have no doubt that you will succeed xx
Acknowledging others efforts in a relationship would also make us a better person. Don’t you think ?
All are great tips. Thanks for sharing this.
One-hundred percent agreed. So often we take people for granted and fail to acknowledge all the good they do for us. It’s good to let them know their efforts are being received and appreciated.
Glad to know you liked the tips!