Monday blues ruining your mood at the start of every week? Here are 7 smart Monday habits that will help you shake off your negative energies and start your week on a bright note.

For the longest time, I was not a fan of Mondays.
I remember lying in bed on Sunday nights, sulking because the weekend went by too fast, and dreading waking up the following day to face a new week.
It’s a feeling I know many of you relate to.
In fact, if there was an option to make Mondays extinct, you’d probably jump at the opportunity and say abracadabra in a heartbeat.
But then Tuesdays would become the new Mondays, and the cycle would go on.
It seems like there’s no hope for a tired soul to catch a break from the sullen mood that comes from the starting day of the week.
But wait up, let’s not admit defeat just like that.
I’ve made it my life’s mission to spread all the routine ideas and wellness hacks that make my life ten times easier.
And fortunately, it also includes a checklist of habits to beat the Monday blues. 😎
Before moving on, you might want to pin this post to save for later.

In this post, we learn how to start your week right using 7 Monday habits that are smart and easy to implement.
Let’s get right to it.
How To Start Your Week Off Right – 7 Smart Monday Habits
1. Build A Positive Monday Morning Ritual
I harp about morning routines so much, that I am expecting a complaint mail any day from one of my readers.
But I can’t help it, peeps.
Your morning is the setting point of your day. And if we’re talking about a Monday morning, you bet it’s going to influence your whole week.
So, instead of letting bad morning habits ruin our vibe, we must take charge of our Monday by starting it off on a powerful note.
Firstly, wake up in a good mood. You can’t conquer the day if you get off the bed in a cranky mood.
If waking up like a chirpy bird doesn’t sound like you, then head to my post on how to become a morning person, where I discuss the 10 secrets I use to wake up fresh at 5 freaking a.m. in the morning.
Grab a glass of warm water to flux the toxins from your body, and slowly sip it while you pen down your intentions for the day.
You might want to write some morning affirmations for a morale boost.
Do a morning stretching workout to make your body happy, and then take a shower using nice-smelling bath products.
Don’t even think about skipping breakfast; you’re going to need it to stay energized.
Related Post: 7 Morning Habits Of Successful People That Set Them Apart
2. Put On Your Best Clothes
For those of you who have no interest in all things related to wardrobe, take note of what I’m about to tell you.
Whenever you step outside with the intention to rule, wear an outfit that makes you feel awesome.
“Oh, but I’m saving that outfit for that party that I’m never planning to go to.”
Um, sure, buddy. But who’s to say you can’t wear an outfit twice, thrice, or as many freaking times as you want to?
The thing is saving your wardrobe has no value at all. It’s just the stubborn, sulky part of you that resists the idea.
But you know deep down it makes no sense to keep your good clothes hidden.
And Mondays are the best days to pull those kickass pair of jeans out from your safety locker and style them with a pretty top and classy shoes.
You have the rest of the week to wear your casuals. I love my baggy tees and sneakers too and can’t imagine life without them.
But to beat the Monday blues, we’re bringing our A-game to the table in the form of our best outfit, with a ton of self-confidence on the side. 👢
Highly Recommended: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs For A Strong Life
3. Plan Your End-Of-Day Routine In Advance
Okay, time to bribe your mind into getting excited for the day.
You might have a lot to get done on Monday.
The weekend is all about taking a break and recharging yourself, but that still doesn’t mentally prepare us to face a new week.
This happens because we believe that Mondays are supposed to be hectic. But that is just not true at all.
You can still carry those weekend vibes with you. It doesn’t have to be all about hustling and being busy, because that’s overrated anyway.
That’s why we’re going to plan for a soothing night care routine in advance.
Before stepping out for work, decide how you’d like to end your day and prepare for it in advance.
Plan a good dinner, lay out your essential bath oils on the table, pick a romance novel, or decide on a good movie to watch.
This might seem like a simple task, but it’ll elevate your mood in an instant.
Now, you can go to work in a ‘restive’ state of mind and leave your stressful thoughts behind.
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4. Carry Something Feel-Good With You
This has to be my favorite tip on this list of Monday habits. I discovered this technique while I was in school and dreaded going to classes on Mondays.
I wanted to get out of this negative headspace and be excited about my lectures.
So, to make things fun and less grey, I started carrying feel-good items to school with me.
This would consist of a novel I’d be reading at that time, my mindfulness journal, or the Rubik’s cube my brother was hell-bent on having me master.
I think it’s a pretty cute way to make your Mondays exciting.
Here’s a list of things you can carry with you:
- A bouquet of flowers that you can pick for yourself on your way to work. Let your colleagues believe you have a swoon-worthy love interest who got you those.
- Affirmation cards that make you smile.
- A pretty journal with glittery pens that you can write in during your work hours. Scribbling even a small note can be uplifting.
- My current favorite – A pack of tarot cards!
- Chocolates that melt in your mouth.
- A favorite book.
Related: 35 Little Things In Life That Can Make You Happy
5. Interact More
Nothing beats a sour mood better than talking things out with a bunch of people.
Good interactions are great to help you chuck your moody Monday vibes out the window, so you should make use of them the moment you reach your workplace.
Enter your office while greeting your colleagues.
Smile at them, ask them about their weekend, and share your own stories in a few words before sitting down to work.
Throughout the day, keep yourself engaged. This is the best way to make use of your social circle.
If you’re a work-from-home bee, call a friend or drop them funny texts. Trust me, you’ll be doing them a favor too.
This is something I like to call the ‘Monday Interaction’ method – a perfectly healthy way to exchange your Monday troubles with other people and build your way up to a clear mind space.
Similar Post: 10 Simple everyday Habits To Improve Your Mental Health
6. Use Positive Reminders To Stay Upbeat
Ever tried affirmations to keep yourself motivated? If not, add them to your Monday wellness kit.
You can spin your thoughts around with the help of the right words used at the right time.
And since we’re looking to make our Mondays inspiring, we’re going to need some gentle reminders to stay upbeat.
Here are some posts you can skim through on your Mondays for a doze of good vibes:
- 121 Positive Affirmations For Mental Strength
- 101 Beautiful Affirmations For Self-Love And Healing
- 120 Health Affirmations For A Powerful Way Of Life
You can write down these affirmations, or create some of your own.
Nobody knows your deepest fears and desires better than you.
So, open your mind to your innermost thoughts, and give yourself exactly what you want to hear.
This Monday habit will make you feel excited for the coming week, and make you more positive and happier.
Related: 11 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed
7. Don’t Miss Exercise
Your mind might tell you that Mondays can be smoother if you just skip your workout, but that’s not the case at all.
I mean, seriously, it’s funny how cunning the self-sabotaging part of our brain can be.
It makes exercising sound daunting when it’s actually the best (and I mean, the best) way to curb stress.
Also, don’t you agree that working out makes you feel quite powerful?
I usually go for morning exercise, but often switch to evening workouts depending on my routine. You can pick whatever time period suits your Monday mood best.
Exercise has never failed me in my wellness journey so far. I can count on it to make me feel awesome any day.
If you’re looking to start your week off with a bang, this is the energy you want to be in.
Even if you don’t work out on a regular basis, you must make it a ritual to make Mondays an exception.
And if you’ve never been much of a workout buddy, this is the post you need to check out: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You’re Stuck In A Rut
Your Mondays Don’t Have To Be Dreadful Anymore
Anything can be made pleasant through positive changes, and that includes the Mondays that you’ve been told are universally dreaded.
There are people in this world who actually wake up excited to face a new week.
They found ways to get over the Monday blues and take charge of their mood, and you can join this club too.
The truth is, you fear what you don’t have a solid plan for.
And using the 7 Monday habits we discussed in this post, you won’t ever walk into a week in a dreadful mood.
Got any questions regarding your Monday routine? Drop a comment down below. I’m always up for a good chat. A simple hi would be welcome too.
Love these points, Akansha! I totally agree with creating a morning routine to set the tone for the week. I do the same. It makes Mondays a lot less dreadful.
I just found your website, BTW. And I have to commend your writing style and tone. It’s enthralling!
Hey Sally. I am glad you liked the points. And I know, right? Morning routines can be total game-changers. It’s good to know that you already do this.
And ooh, thank you so much for appreciating my writing style. No greater compliment for a blogger than that.
Thanks for your time, and please take care.