With the season of ice popsicles and beach days upon us, it’s time to upgrade your wellness routine. Here are 11 summer self-care tips that’ll make your hot days breezier and more fun.

Full disclosure – I am not a fan of summers. I know that’s a highly unpopular opinion, but if you had to survive the brutal Indian heat, you’d understand.
But despite its sweaty flaws and heated days, there’s no denying that summer is a season full of life, vitality, and vibrancy.
From water-filled activities to amusement park weekends, the options to keep yourself entertained are limitless.
But cool activities and head-spinning rides aside, you need to prioritize your wellness above all.
If you haven’t found the time to reset your routine for summer yet, you’ll love the summer self-care tips that I’m about to dish out.
Pin this post before you move on. It’ll come in handy later.

In this post, we take a dive into 11 summer self-care tips that your body, mind, and soul will thank you for.
If you’re ready to chill this summer season with the best wellness hacks, read on.
11 Self-Care Tips For Summer
1. Level Up Your Water Intake
First things first, if you haven’t increased your water intake for summer, you need to start right this second.
Even though I advocate keeping your water consumption high throughout the year, you need to be extra careful about this during the summer.
The high temperature will make you easily dehydrated, and if you don’t have the habit of drinking loads of water, you might miss the warning signs your body sends your way.
Don’t give your gut a chance to protest. Make it a point to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Start your mornings with a glass of lukewarm water to flush the toxins from your body.
Carry a water bottle when you head outside and keep sipping from it. Using a water-tracking app might help.
Remember that hydration is one of the key factors to getting glowing skin. If that isn’t an incentive enough to chug more water, I don’t what else is.
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2. Pay Special Attention To Your Skin
There are some summer wellness ideas you can skip out on according to your taste, but skincare cannot be one of them.
The sun can be brutal during this season, and without proper changes, your skin won’t do well.
The first thing you’d want to grab is a sunscreen. Any product above SPF 30 would be a good choice.
Keep your skin type in mind while picking your sunscreen. I usually use the one that is suitable for all skin types.
There is this myth that moisturizers should be avoided during the summer, but no, girl, that is not true.
All you need to do is swap your moisturizer for something that is light and non-greasy.
I have an oily skin type, but I still use my moisturizer every morning without fail.
Just use less amount than your normal usage to avoid stickiness, and then put on a coat of sunscreen.
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3. Create A Summer Special Morning Routine
Summer mornings are exceptionally beautiful, and it’s worth it to become a morning person during the summer just to greet the rising sun.
I like to stretch in bed the moment I’m up. It helps relieve the tension in my muscles and is definitely an activity I’d recommend.
Your first job after leaving the bed should be to open the windows to welcome in some fresh air.
Maybe close your eyes, say a small prayer, count your blessings, and take a few deep breaths in with gratitude.
Wash your face with cold water, and then use an ice roller to massage your face (this is my current favorite morning skincare hack.)
Write a few words in your journal, say a few affirmations to yourself, and go outside for a walk/jog.
Take a cold shower and close off your morning routine with a tasty and nutritious breakfast.
Check Out: How To Create A Blissful Summer Morning Routine – 8 Refreshing Steps

4. Take Your Workouts Outdoor
Listen, I’m all about losing sweat to a home workout session, but not taking your exercise outside during the summer is highly offensive to the weather gods.
You will have winters to dance around in your room, but this summer season, take your body outside for a spin as often as you can.
Grab your exercise mat and go to a park for a joyful yoga session. If you want to make it burn, run a few laps around and do some squats.
Don’t mind the people, they might stare, but that’s just because you look fantastic and proud.
Exercising is good when done anywhere, but taking your workouts outdoors will bring renewed energy and confidence to your being.
That’s another major reason to be in love with the summer.
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5. Nourish Yourself With Summer Fruits And Veggies
I know you’ll be enjoying plenty of ice-creams and soda this summer, but don’t forget about the juicy fruits and vegetables that the season has in store for you.
Start by adding berries to your breakfast. They are delicious and rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Oh, and how about some plums and peaches? They are beautiful to look at and will make your tummy really happy.
And don’t you dare not eat melons at least once a week.
Your body will soak up its water content like a sponge, and I promise its sweet flavor will bring a smile to your face.
Enjoy recipes made of zucchini, bell pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, beans, and eggplant.
Salads made out of these luscious veggies will make a great addition to your Sunday dinners.
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6. Make Time For Rest
Summer days are long and can be extremely tiring for the body. With so many things to do, it’s crucial to find time to rest and recharge.
How else would you find the energy to cross off all the things on your mental summer bucket list?
Start your day on a slow and mindful note. Do not hustle in the mornings as the way you set your mind at this point will set up the tone for the rest of your day.
If you find yourself getting stressed while working, get yourself to slow down and take a few deep breaths in. The world won’t stop revolving if you take a moment to yourself.
For work-from-home peeps, an afternoon nap isn’t a bad idea. Try it and see if it helps you freshen up.
Make your weekends all about self-care and rejuvenation.
Put on a clay mask, throw some cucumbers on your eyes, and doze off to the sound of crickets in your backyard.
Instead of waiting for exhaustion to hit you, take regular mental breaks to avoid burnout.
To keep your body and mind healthy, this is one of the summer self-care tips you’d want to stick to all summer long.
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7. Plan Outings With Friends
Summer, friends, and outdoors – need I say more? If you’re not organizing at least one outing every week, you’ll only end up regretting all the wonderful plans that could’ve been.
Gather up your girl squad, or kidnap your best friend for picnics, hiking, coffee evenings, and cheap restaurant dinners.
If you’re an organized soul like me, make your weekend plans with friends in advance to avoid any last-minute hiccups.
Don’t forget to visit the water park before the summer ends.
If you’re a free bird living in some seaside zone, then go to the beach every chance you get. Rafting and kayaking are other excellent options. Click loads of pictures from every outing!
Save some for your personal perusal, and post the good ones on your social media for your ‘Summer Fun’ highlights.
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8. Wear Light And Comfortable Clothes
Unless you’re okay with turning into a baked muffin, avoid any tight clothes during summer.
Dark colors should be a no-go zone during the daytime because they absorb heat.
Opt for light, comfortable, and breathable material clothes. Dresses, loose tees, and shorts can be worn on repeat because of their summer-friendly feels.
Don’t shy away from revealing some skin. You don’t have to feel itchy and uncomfortable when there’s an option to wear playsuits and flared dress.
Also, you can never go wrong with anything floral.
Pastel colors on flowy designs will give you a raw and natural look, making you feel like the summer goddess that you are.
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9. Go On A Solo Vacation
You might already have a family vacation planner, but think you can pull some strings for a solo weekend getaway?
Chuck your doubts, inhibitions, and fears out the window. If you’ve never taken a solo vacay before, then let this summer be the first of many!
It’d be an amazing opportunity to spend time with yourself and enjoy summer in all its glory.
You might already be playing this idea in your head, but it won’t become a reality until you take it seriously.
Pick a nearby location keeping your budget in mind, make the arrangements, seek advice from someone who’s done this before, and get going!
Your travel bag and you will have the adventure of a lifetime.
Still, if for some reason, a vacation isn’t in the charts for you, then take yourself out on a solo date!
Sit in your favorite cafe in your favorite floral dress, and order your favorite shake as you people-watch. It’d be a simple and quiet evening that you’d want to repeat every month.
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10. Digital Media Detox
Summer days might be excruciatingly long, but that’s no reason to stay glued to your phones and computers.
Don’t bottle up your weekends under Netflix shows and movie marathons when there are so many soulful activities just waiting to fill up your space.
Do a digital detox at least once a week. If you are curious and willing enough, you’ll be able to come up with many creative ways to fill your time.
You can become a journaler, ride your bicycle, pick up your abandoned guitar, or sign up for a pottery class!
Ever wanted to be a gardener? Summer is the perfect time to try your hand at this.
Visit a local farmer’s market to purchase the seeds of your choice and start growing organic stuff.
I’ve decided to become a Summer painter this season. I even got all the art supplies and thingies that the artists use.
I don’t even know the right way to hold a brush, so no idea how this is going to go.
But at least it’ll keep me away from my e-reader for the next month, which will open up more slots for me to practice summer self-care tips.
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11. Find Tiny Ways To Celebrate Summer
Our tendency to focus on the big things means we often fail to celebrate the little things that make life beautiful.
Find unique and personal ways to show your gratitude for summer by enjoying the tiny moments.
Hold out your palm to catch the sun rays filtering in through your windows. Smile at the warm sun shining down upon you.
Be spontaneous and head outside to grab an ice cream.
Sit on the rooftop to watch the summer sky (the view is different every season, and I won’t be convinced otherwise.)
Keep track of the lunar activities and have fun observing the star-filled sky.
I could go on and on, but I actually want you to create this list for yourself and make it more personal.
I am sure you’ll come up with some fantastic ideas to celebrate the summer and make it your own.
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Launch Your Summer Self-Care Routine Today!
Hate ’em or love ’em, you can’t say no to all the fun that only summers can bring.
But if, for some reason, you’ve been neglecting to take your summer well-being into account, it’s never too late to start.
Make use of these killer summer self-care tips to beautify your routine, and make the most out of the warmest season of the year.
How is your wellness routine shaping out to be this summer? Drop your response in the comment box. I’d love to add some new ideas to my list of summer self-care tips!

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