We’re living in an age where there are a ton of things to do every day.
From binging a thriller series or going out with friends for bowling, the options to fill your time are limitless.
But some activities deserve to have fixed slots in your routine, and we’ll take a look at 11 such daily habits that you would want to get started with ASAP.

I’ve always been someone who’s good at sticking to her habits, but it’s a quality that didn’t do much good.
I would stick to a hectic routine for months and praise myself for being super productive.
But when it came to assessing my priorities and catering to my wellness? I pretty much sucked at it.
The thing is, you could do a hundred different productive things every day, but a few good habits will easily overpower their appeal.
Life isn’t just about getting things done and being productive all the time.
It’s important to do the right things that can fill your mind, body, and soul, and make you a better person each day. I learned this lesson the hard way.
When my mental and physical health started dwindling, I was forced to reassess my priorities, and that lead me to some beautiful habits that I feel blessed to be able to do every day.
Basically, my productivity-obsessed brain realized that the quality of your habits matters, and that scrolling through your social media feed during the night holds no candle to bedtime reading.
Before reading on, you might want to pin this post for safe keeping.

In this post, I share a list of 10 things to do every day for a better, happier, and more content life.
This can be your daily checklist for self-improvement, and believe me, it isn’t hard at all to keep up with these habits.
Read on to find out.
11 Things To Do Everyday
1. Make Your Bed
I feel like not making your bed first thing in the morning is one of the lazy habits that should be discarded.
When I was in school, I never made my bed, and it was one of the reasons why my days would start on a lazy note.
If you want to be a morning person, then you need to cultivate habits that make your mornings fresh.
Your brain needs to get the memo that bedtime is over and it’s time to get moving, and making your bed is the simplest way to make it happen.
It can be your first productive action for the day, one that will tidy up your space and help you get rid of your lazy vibes.
Worth Reading: 5AM Morning Routine For A Fresh Start Of The Day
2. Create To-Do Lists
There’s something impactful about writing down your pending tasks. It makes hold yourself accountable to get things done on time.
You should create to-do lists if you want to avoid procrastination and manage your time efficiently.
It doesn’t matter if your tasks are repetitive each day. When you take the time to make a to-do list, you make your mundane tasks more interesting.
Start your mornings by listing down things you need to get done before the end of the day, Alternatively, creating a to-do list for the next day can be a part of your bedtime routine.
This habit is perfect for those who are looking to be more organized and find a semblance of balance in their routine life.
Similar: How To Create A Daily Routine That Works For You – 7 Easy Tips

3. Do One Thing That Makes You Happy
This is the only vague habit you’ll find in this list, but I couldn’t resist throwing it in. I think you don’t find happiness, but you create it.
Even when you think you’re stumbling over things that are making you happy, you’re actually able to feel that emotion because you’re allowing yourself to.
So, who’s to say you can’t open your happiness channel on your whim? It’s very much possible, and I know so because I make it happen every day.
I make it a point to do at least one thing that makes me happy.
Initially, you might find yourself being a bit clueless about what to do. But the more you practice this habit, the more in tune you’ll become with what makes your heart happy.
You might start by watching a sitcom on day one, then move on to doing a crossword puzzle the next day, and might find yourself walking to a cafe to grab your favorite drink.
Before you know it, you’ll have a long mental list of things that make you happy. And then tapping into your happy vibes will become a breeze.
Bookmark Now: 30-Day Happiness Challenge To Become A Cheerful Person
4. Drink A Healthy Cup Of Tea
Is there anything more comforting than a cup of tea? I reckon not.
It’s been three happy years since I started drinking health-infused teas, and it’s a habit that’s been extremely rewarding.
Whenever we talk about self-care, tea drinking always makes it to the list because of its rich benefits.
Obviously, if you’re drinking healthy teas, you can expect your body wellness to thrive. Your gut remains healthy and you stay hydrated.
My favored choice of beverage is green tea, which is rich in antioxidants and is a great stress-buster. You can also try black tea to feel fresh and active instantly.
Chamomile tea, ginger tea, and peppermint tea are some other options worth adding to your self-care routine.
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5. Listen To Podcasts
I make sure to catch at least 5 minutes of a podcast every day. It helps to listen to someone talk about things that are relatable and make you feel understood.
The best thing is that you don’t need to carve out any extra time for this. You can listen to a podcast on your way to work, while doing chores, or during your evening walk.
You can find podcasts on literally every topic. From body image to healthy eating, everything you need to become more aware of is just a tap away.
You can browse the latest podcasts on Spotify and pick something that calls out to you. One episode of a series will be enough to let you know if you can relate or not.
Currently, I am listening to ‘On My Mind’ by Ava Jules. It’s amazing how quickly my mood shifts the moment I hear her familiar voice.
Build this habit if you want to become mentally stronger, more positive, and feel a sense of belonging in this overwhelming large world.
Don’t Miss: 14 Amazing Sunday Habits For A Stress-Free Week Ahead
6. Catch The News Headlines
I get that catching the daily news might not be everyone’s cup of tea. It can be exhausting for some people, which I relate to on some level.
At the same time though, being aware of what’s going on around you helps you form opinions. You get to be critical and open your mind to different scenarios.
It’s a habit that can take time to build, especially if you’re someone who’s never been into newspapers at all. But there’s no refuting the fact that it makes you smarter.
I mean, the way some of the articles are written these days is impressive. I learn different words each day while scrolling through the news feed.
You can play around a bit with this. Just glimpse at the headlines and read the articles that intrigue you, and be open to the idea of actually liking this thing.
Who knows – it might turn out to be a surprisingly good addition to your morning routine.
Highly Recommended: 7 Morning Habits Of Successful People That Set Them Apart

7. Daily Meditation
Meditation is still a work in progress for me, but I swear I’m getting better at sticking to it. And as you’d imagine, it’s brought some pleasant and welcome changes to my life.
Meditating for 5 minutes a day can help you reduce stress. It is the best way to increase your mindfulness and train yourself to live in the present.
Find a relaxed position in your room (or any favorite spot of your house), close your eyes, and focus on your breaths.
Inhale as you count to 3, hold your breath for 3 seconds, and release in 3 more counts. Repeat and continue for as long as it takes for you to still your thoughts.
This is a simple technique that I use during my morning meditation.
It works like charm to kill my overwhelming thoughts, which can gather like annoying bugs unless you actively work on reducing them.
By meditating every day, you can increase your focus, create a well-balanced life, and embrace the power of now.
Add this mindful habit to your morning routine to reap fruitful benefits. Doing it before bed is also effective to clear your mind for a good night’s sleep.
Related Post: How To Calm Yourself Down (10 Simple Ways That Work)
8. Use Affirmations For Strength
Is it weird that I didn’t know what affirmations were until recently?
I find it funny considering now I can’t go even a single day without glancing at some positive affirmations.
As humans, we often struggle to grasp some simple truths in life. Life would be so much easier if we could remember to take it easy and remember that nothing is bigger than us.
But thankfully, that’s where affirmations can step in.
Affirmations are beautifully strung-together sentences that fill you with good vibes and heal your thoughts.
They can be uplifting on your bad days but can be straight-up empowering when used every day.
I like to stand in front of the mirror and speak a new affirmation out loud and carry it in my thoughts for the rest of the day. It boosts my self-love like nothing else does.
You can also use affirmations in your journal or simply read them in the morning for a positive start to the day.
Here are some affirmations you can bookmark to use on a daily basis:
- 120 Positive Health Affirmations For A Fresh And Powerful Way Of Life
- 101 Beautiful Affirmations For Self-Love And Healing
- 121 Positive Affirmations For Mental Strength To Make You Fearless

9. Count Your Blessings
Eckhart Tolle says, “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
And that is such a simple yet impactful truth.
I feel like we tend to take many things in life for granted. The seemingly bigger things always occupy our attention – things like success, productivity, hustling, and achieving great goals.
But it’s the little things in life that can bring us the most joy. Can you imagine not being able to eat a chocolate cookie, walk on a sunlit path, or cuddle with your pet?
If we were to take these things out of the picture, life would become dull and colorless.
These little joys deserve to be acknowledged, and you can do that by counting your blessings each day.
You can do this by growing a daily gratitude list, saying a mental thank you to God for being so blessed, and cultivating a feeling of abundance.
The more gratitude you can create in your heart, the more content you’ll feel. Each day will then give you countless reasons to smile and be happy.
You Must Read: How To Be Kind To Yourself (15 Simple Ways)
10. Write Something
Writing isn’t something that’s solely reserved for authors or content creators. Anyone (and I mean it when I say anyone) can be a writer.
Daily writing is an underrated form of therapy that we need to talk about more.
I’m sure you’re already aware of the benefits of journaling. It’s a beautiful form of self-communication that allows you to be free and creative.
So, I’d definitely recommend you try journaling if you haven’t done it yet. You’ll come to love it if you give it enough time.
Other ways to get yourself writing is to create poems, start a blog, or type whatever is in your mind. Basically, write something that makes you think.
If you want to scribble a favorite quote each day, you can absolutely do that too.
Allow yourself to make mistakes and be messy. We’re not aiming for perfection here, and nobody has to read what you write (unless you want them to.)
So much in our mind goes unexpressed on a daily basis. These untouched thoughts are hidden with many important revelations.
Finding ways to express your feelings in writing can help you tap into your innermost desires and add up to create personal development.
Might Help: 50 Amazing Bedtime Journal Prompts For A Quiet Reflection

11. Read (Because You Can)
I believe you don’t need a reason to read.
It’s an activity that goes above and beyond any reasoning or benefits, but I’ll still try to express my thoughts on why you should be a regular reader.
For one, it is a blissful activity that provides you with a healthy escape from your troubles. I find that I don’t overthink as long as I’m reading a good book.
You get to enter a different world, meet new characters, and feel just a little less lonely in your everyday life. It can be such a good companion to your gentle heart.
If literary fiction doesn’t entice you, then perhaps non-fiction does.
Non-fiction books are great to provoke better thoughts and make you shift your perspective regarding all the important stuff like career, relationships, and personality development.
Read blog posts, articles, and basically anything that will help you grow. It’s an entertaining yet productive use of your time and one of the best things to do every day.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
-Dr. Seuss
Popular Post: 10 Simple Everyday Habits To Improve Your Mental Health
Do These Things Every Day For A Better Life
Ever since I picked up these simple habits, my days have become brighter. They have simplified life for me and made me love spending time with myself.
If you’re enthusiastic about making your life more beautiful, the above-listed tips are some good things to do every day.
It will take time to accustom your routine and make space for these new habits, but the tiny effort you put in will be worth it.
If something doesn’t fit your idea of a better life, feel free to scrap it off your checklist.
You know what you want more than anyone else, and that is the only truth you need to act upon to make personal growth an integral part of your life.
Got any ideas to share? I’d love to know some of the things you do every day to make your life better. Write to me in the comment box, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

This was such a good read. I was withiut habits in my younger years but gradually started to develope all the good habits we like about ourselves. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading more of your content
Thank you, Susan. Glad to know you liked the content. 🙂
Hello! Very good advices. I take a walk every day and clear my mind of problems. Nice meeting you
That is so nice to hear! Daily walks are my favorite for clearing my thoughts and shaking off stress. And it’s nice to meet you too. 🙂
Thanks for sharing these ideas. Always looking for good things that make life more enjoyable. I add to mine daile exercise and eating healthy.
Sooo happy to know that! Glad the blog could be of help.