So you think you’re ready to create the life of your dreams, but don’t know where to start? You couldn’t have come to a better place.
Here are 11 solid ways you can follow without any hesitation to run after your dream life and make it your permanent reality.

When I was a kid, indulged in a lot of daydreaming.
Some days I’d be an entrepreneur in my head, other times I wished to be a doctor, and on days when my mood was sour, I thought of being a fighter woman.
It’s funny now that I think about it, but for the longest time I thought my dream life would resemble
Maybe I could launch my own business, you know? Be a busy bee, a cool boss to a group of awesome people, and earn a bucket load of cash because my ideas were that good.
Or perhaps I really did want to study medicine, heal people, and become a kind-hearted doctor.
Being a fighter gave me pause because I had no clue how to make that happen.
It took me a long time, but I finally figured out what my dream life is. And all those years, I wasn’t even close to the real answer.
What Is Your Dream Life
The kind of lifestyle that best aligns with the person that you’re at your core, is your dream life.
On the outside, you could be an amalgamation of many different people.
You might be a hard worker, an extrovert who loves to talk people’s ears off, or a student who thinks she loves her books more than herself.
(Psst, in case you’re wondering, I just painted a picture of my past self.)
But your core never lies. It’s the part of you that knows your secrets, and all your buried wishes for a life that seems like it’s far out of your reach.
To put it simply, your dream life is the one that would make you the happiest. There’d no space for pretense, lies, or acting in this life.
Any external pressure won’t matter, because you shed it off long back at the beginning phase of building this life.
The person living this life would be the best version of yourself, and I truly want you to get there, so you can be who you are always meant to be.
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In this post, I reveal the 11 steps you can take to create your dream life.
Following this exact method, I was able to realize my needs, shed everything that weighed me down and go after my dream life with an unshakeable belief in myself.
So far, everything I ever dreamt of has been coming true. It’s been an amazing experience so far, and I can’t believe I have so much more coming my way.
I want to share everything I did to make this happen for myself. If you are ready to hop on the train of your dreams, read on.
11 Effective Tips To Create The Life Of Your Dreams
1. Visualize Your Dream Life
It might sound weird, but your dream life might not be something you actively think about.
Most of us are often afraid of changes and don’t take let ourselves envision the things we want.
But here is your first task to create the life of your dreams – Visualize everything you want.
This should include your career, the surroundings you want to be working in, the kind of people you’d thrive among, and your working hours.
Also, go ahead and think about the kind of person you want to be – your behavior, the strengths you want to hone, and the kind of relations you’d keep.
Once you’re comfortable with these thoughts, move on to the next step.
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2. Believe In Your Vision
I want to put one thing on record – Your dream life is not a fib, and you are more than capable and deserving of living it.
People all over the world, who allowed themselves to pursue their dream life, are actually living it now.
And don’t tell me you can’t do the same. I believe in you, and that is the end of it. Now the one thing you need to do is believe in yourself too.
Because without a firm belief in your vision, it’s going to be very hard to stay motivated and keep going.
So, say no to negative self-talk, load up on loads of self-love, and just keep going.
3. Set Your Priorities
Your next order of things is to get your priorities right. By this point, you should already have a picture of your dream life.
What are the top priorities of your future self? Is it family, friends, career, health, and wellness? And what is the order of these priorities?
To make your vision come to life, it’s important to have a clear-cut answer to these questions.
From here onward, you need to live and breathe by the values of your future self. By doing this, it’ll become easier for you to align yourself with your goals.
And even though it might take some time for all your wishes to come true, you’ll actually be living your dream life the day you get this step right.
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4. Let Go Of Anything That Doesn’t Fit
This is going to be a bitter pill to swallow, but even some of your dearest possessions or old habits might stop you from getting to your dream life.
That’s why you need to let go of anything that doesn’t fit with your newfound vision.
There might be some toxic habits that need to be quit, things you need to let go of, and people you need to stop seeing.
Although, the process of letting go will have to happen at its own pace.
You might not be able to quit your job overnight. Although in all its fairness, you definitely could, if you believe it’s the right thing to do.
It might be hard to quit the habits you’ve hung on to for so long or let go of people who you thought had your best interests at heart but actually don’t.
Just stay on track with the other steps in this list.
You’ll naturally get better at recognizing things that don’t fit with your vision and letting them fall out of your life.
5. Build A Routine Centered Around Your Dream Life
This is perhaps the most important point in this post.
Without a solid routine, it’s simply not possible to build a good lifestyle, let alone create the life of your dreams.
Harsh truths, I know, but since I want the best for you, I am okay being the person doing the unveiling.
Although believe it or not, routine-building doesn’t have to be a challenge. If you actively work on this, you can build an ideal routine within a week.
For a strong start to your day, aim to wake up early. It’s a morning habit I swear by for an active lifestyle.
Also, here are 9 morning routine ideas you can use to begin your day on a positive note.
Do your demanding tasks before 12 pm, and try these productive afternoon habits to avoid the 2 pm slump that all of us are prone to.
You might want to dedicate your evenings to your health and build a soothing night routine.
In short, design every waking moment of your day according to your future, and fill it with activities that act as stepping stones toward your dream life.
6. Find Your Role Models
To create the life of your dreams, it’s a good idea to look up to someone you’ve always admired.
Now, your role model doesn’t necessarily have to be a person who’s living the life of your dreams.
It can be anyone whose basic values align with yours, someone who inspires you to be better, or someone who’s on a different career trajectory than yours.
The bottom line is, the thought of this person should fuel your determination to win.
Heck, it can even be a badass character from your favorite fantasy show or a popular singer whose songs touch your heart like nothing else.
The more role models you have, the better! Because more is always merrier.
Mine is a certain silver-haired, dragon-riding queen, along with a blonde pop star who’s known all too well for her blockbuster albums. Who’s yours?
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7. Say Yes To The Right Things
In this life, you’ll have many opportunities that might lure you in. A lot of them will be lucrative, while some might be a waste of your time.
It’s always okay to explore around and see what works for you and what doesn’t.
But after a certain point, you should be avoiding opportunities that add zero value to your goals.
This will save you a whole lot of time and energy, and also simplify your life.
Gauze every opportunity before you say yes. Just because something is shiny, doesn’t mean it’s meant to be your piece of jewelry.
Ask yourself if you really want to switch jobs, make a list of pros and cons before entering your college drama club, and test out the waters a little before launching your side business.
Every choice you make should take you one step closer to your dream life. So, choose wisely, and say yes to the right things.
8. Chuck Your Fears Out The Window
When your lifestyle is a work in progress, you’ll get epiphanies that would surprise you, and at times, overwhelm you.
There might be days when you question your decisions and doubt every little choice you’ve made so far.
These moments might even be inevitable, but our mission is going to be to reduce their occurrences.
Even though it might not feel like it, you have the power to turn your thoughts around.
The best way to achieve this is to get rid of your fears, one pesky little thought at a time.
Use a journal to express your self-doubts, calm yourself in your moments of stress, practice emotional self-care and be fearless in your everyday life.
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9. Be Okay With Things Going Wrong
Murphy’s law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. At first glance, this can appear to be quite a daunting thought.
But on deeper thought, it’s the best thing anyone can ever tell you to prepare in advance.
The thing is, life loves throwing one curveball after another your way. It’s up to you to see it as a problem, or tackle it head-on like a challenge.
Be okay with things going wrong, and you’ll naturally adopt the perception of a challenge-seeker.
Be comfortable when the unexpected presents itself. It’s a life lesson disguised as a problem that you just need to get past.
With this mindset, you’ll strengthen your mental resolve, and get better at the skill of problem-solving.
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10. Nurture Solid Friendships And Family Ties
When you set out to create the life of your dreams, you’ll need to be your biggest supporter. Self-confidence is a must for this goal.
But nothing can replace the warmth, affection, and beliefs of your friends and family.
Even a single person who has faith in you can make a whole lot of difference.
Sometimes, a simple ‘I’ve got your back’ is worth the price of a rare diamond.
Nurture good friendships comprising of people you can fall back on when things don’t go according to your plan.
Reach out to your family for support, stay in constant touch with your loved ones, and reciprocate the affection that you receive.
These are the people who’ll cheer for you when you succeed. So, look after them and cherish their presence in your life.
11. Do Not Give Up
I feel like this is pretty obvious but had to put it in writing because a lot of times, what stops you from getting to your dream life is the habit of quitting.
I know how hard it can be to keep going when the end zone isn’t clearly visible.
But so many people end up discarding their vision when they’re just near the finish line.
You won’t make the same mistake, because you realize that the journey is just as important as the destination.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and even if by some miracle it was, it wouldn’t be the same.
It takes time to create the life of your dream, so be willing to give it that time.
Starting today, make your days resemble the future you want for yourself.
The rest is just details that will slowly fall into place to resemble a beautiful picture called your dream life.
You Need To Follow These Steps To Create The Life Of Your Dreams
As I said already, there are examples all around us of people living the life of their dreams.
You can move to that quiet little town you’ve always liked, or buy a condo in the building you pass by on your way to work.
You can quit your 9/5 job, land a position in a big coveted firm, or open a cute little flower shop that also sells books!
You can be a calmer person, start going out more often, or turn into a weekend bibliophile.
The possibilities are endless. You just need the guts to go after the ones you want. And I hope this post was able to help you with that.
Got a story to share about your dream life? Drop a few words in the comment box. I’m always up for a good chat.

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