Habits of healthy women can be inspiring for those who are looking to shift their routine to be more mindful of their well-being.
When I started my wellness journey two years back, I knew physical health had to be a part of my growth mission.
I wanted to do this to be more confident, nurture my body with good habits, and be in better tune with my feminine energies.
So, I turned to Youtube for guidance and scoured many videos of healthy women who were kind enough to share their habits and routines with the world.
Thanks to them, I was able to start my personal health regime that allows me to be free with my body.
They helped me realize that there is much more to women’s fitness than counting calories and being obsessed with the weighing scale.
Honestly, it was a relief to let go of my limiting beliefs on health and embrace a positive version of body wellness.
If the idea of taking on a unique perspective on women’s fitness appeals to you, then you’re in the right place.
Before moving on, quickly pin this post for safekeeping.

I’m super excited to share my notes and lessons with you.
This is the post I wish I’d gotten my hands on at the beginning of my health journey.
Consider this your ultimate guide to cultivating a happy, balanced, and mindful health routine.
If you’re ready to peek into the 10 most unique and interesting habits of healthy women, read on.
10 Habits Of Healthy Women
1. They Have A Morning Routine They Love Waking Up To
I’ll tell you a secret about myself – I am not a natural morning person.
There was a time when I left my bed in a sour mood and spent the first two hours of my day fighting off sleep.
But then I had a life-changing realization. I could either let this thing rule my life or cultivate my mornings in a way that would soothe my cranky morning self.
So, I stole a few ideas from the habits of healthy women, gave them my own personal twist, and viola!
I am now a 5am morning routine gal and no, I am not being bribed into keeping up with this habit.
The trick here is simple – Make your morning routine so strong that you feel excited to wake up each day.
It’s a tip that healthy women highly would approve of. Because come on, do you think all the fit women out there are morning people?
No, they’re not. But that doesn’t stop them from nurturing positive morning habits and practicing them without fail.
Believe it or not, it’s a major secret behind their wellness and the reason why they’re able to stick to their healthy lifestyle.
If you’re up to give this habit a try, check out: 9 Healthy Morning Routine Ideas To Start Your Day Right

2. They Seize Every Opportunity To Get Moving
Healthy women keep themselves active by moving their bodies whenever they can.
They prefer taking the stairs instead of hopping on the elevator.
If they have the option of walking to the grocery store, they don’t hesitate to ditch their cars in favor of getting a low workout in.
You’d never find them saying no to a hiking trip and might find them strolling in their neighborhood after eating a fulfilling dinner.
Simply put, they use little opportunities to up their heartbeat and stay on their feet.
This habit allows them to maintain a good step count (easily around 5000 per day) and keeps their health spirit charged.
A Post I Recommend: 10 Insanely Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
3. They Listen To Their Bodies While Eating
Healthy women don’t ban food items from their diet. They don’t attempt to always eat clean either, but keep their food balanced.
Their idea is to listen to their guts while eating, a habit that helps them avoid overeating and eat according to their body’s needs.
They consume fruits and vegetables but also know how to enjoy a scoop of ice cream without any guilt.
This is what you call mindful eating – a beautiful practice that allows you to eat food the way it’s meant to be eaten.
All of us are naturally born with an inner voice that cues us regarding our hunger levels. You just have to tune into it while eating.
Honestly, this is one of the best food habits that you can and should develop ASAP.
It’ll liberate you from unhealthy eating habits and help you befriend your food instead of seeing it in a negative light.
Must Read: How To Heal Your Relationship With Food (5 Gentle Ways)

4. They Do Small Things To Feel Beautiful
I believe that beauty is a gem of a trait that all of us have been bestowed with. You don’t need to fit any body type or size to qualify as beautiful.
And in case you have any doubts about this, let me be the one to tell you that you are beautiful. And no, I don’t even need to see you to be certain of that.
But feeling beautiful is a different thing altogether.
It can be a powerful emotion to be in charge of, and fortunately, you don’t need to do anything drastic to feel beautiful.
Healthy women do little things that help them connect with their feminine energies. Here are a few of those that you might want to try:
- Maintain a confident posture while sitting. Allow yourself to be in girl-boss mode.
- Apply a coat of colored lip calm.
- Smile at the mirror often.
- Read affirmations to nurture a positive body image.
- Paint your nails in a bright and bold color.
- Put on your favorite pair of sneakers.
- Wear accessories that express your personality.
For more inspiration, read: 101 Quick 5-Minute Self-Care Activities For Women

5. They Are Never Dehydrated
The first step to becoming healthy is to get yourself to love your water. This habit is simply not up for debate and for good reasons.
Water is one of the basic things that sustains your body.
When you consume it in sufficient amounts, you tap into a plethora of benefits that affect your body.
A minimum of 8 glasses of water is recommended per day, and healthy women easily surpass this requirement.
They keep a water bottle with them at all times and sip from it regularly.
Water helps you stay energized, active, and hydrated all day long.
And my favorite of all – it makes your skin glow. Like, seriously, it’s amazing how shiny your skin becomes when you’re on good terms with hydration.
If you ask me, that is the only incentive you need to add this amazing habit to your routine.
Popular Post: How To Become That Girl – 11 Amazing Hacks

6. They Genuinely Love Working Out
When I first started doing workouts, I wasn’t very thrilled to show up at the mat every day.
It took time for me to change my mindset regarding exercise. But once I opened myself up to the prospect of loving it, that’s exactly what happened.
If you dread the idea of sweating by choice, you won’t be able to enjoy your workouts, even if you do them every day.
Healthy women realize the benefits of exercise, so they workout regularly by choice.
They don’t force themselves to do the exercises that don’t interest them, instead, they stick to what energizes them the most.
Some women swear by their cardio routine, some enjoy their morning yoga, while others love rocking to a session of Zumba.
If you want to make yourself love the act of working out, then first explore different exercise routines and find out what works for you best. YouTube will be your BFF for this.
Here’s a post that might help: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You’re Stuck In A Rut

7. They Wear What Feels Good
A confident and healthy woman knows her clothes well.
She might seek inspiration from magazines and fashion blogs, but she follows the style that appeals to her the most.
Now, for you, that could mean rocking a pair of baggy jeans with a fitted top. Or you could be obsessed with summer skirts that have a flowy look to them.
You might prefer stripes over flowers on your tops. Or perhaps a pair of white chunky sneakers is all that you need to feel at the top of the world.
If you want to be your best self, then dress like your best self, whatever that might look like for you.
Of course, you might not always want to dress up like this, and that is fine too.
On your bad days, if a loose comfy shirt gives you comfort, wear it without any hesitation. Let your clothes be a mode of self-expression.
Fulfill your inner goddess’s needs, and you will be rewarded with a strong inspiration to remain in good health.
An Interesting Read: 10 Classy Benefits Of Being Single That No One Talks About

8. They Rest When They Need To
Most of the time, we launch a health routine in high spirits but fail to stick to it because of unrealistic goals.
We try to achieve overnight results by pushing ourselves too hard and end up sabotaging our progress.
We fail to realize that rest is needed at every stage of the process.
Even if you get yourself to work out for 10 days in a row, you’ll end up feeling tired and might lose the motivation to be healthier.
Instead of expecting yourself to operate in beast mode at all times, aim for consistency.
If you go out for walks, be okay with taking a break every three days.
It’s okay to sleep in on the weekends, laze around in bed some days, and ditch your workout routine in favor of some much-needed rest.
Health isn’t a destination you need to rush to; it’s a beautiful journey that needs to be walked leisurely.
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9. They Cultivate A Health-Oriented Mindset
Some of us don’t like to admit it out loud, but we want to be healthy in every sense of the way.
It’s a need that keeps us hooked to the wellness articles, one of which you’re reading at this very moment. Yet, it can be hard to stick to a holistic lifestyle.
On paper, being healthy doesn’t appear to be hard.
Follow a few simple daily habits that make your body thrive, make sure you stick to them long-term, and you’ll become a part of the fit-fab club.
Then why do we struggle to maintain a healthy routine, quit toxic habits, and dive headfirst into the world of wellness?
The answer is simple – Your mindset could be what’s stopping you from embracing a healthy lifestyle.
I recently read it somewhere that ‘The body achieves what the mind believes.’
And isn’t that so true? If you can get your mind onboard, there is nothing in this world you can’t achieve.
Healthy women know this truth, so they make it a point to fuel their motivation every single day.
They watch inspiring videos, listen to health podcasts, and read positive health affirmations to stay inspired.
Their wellness toolkit includes daily planners, journals, and checklists. Healthy women use these things to set realistic goals and to keep track of their routines.
A Post I Recommend: How To Change Your Mindset For Healthy Living (11 Beautiful Tips)

10. They Live By The Mantras Of Self-Care And Self-Love
Alright then, we’re down to our last point in this list, and you can say I’ve saved the best for the last.
Healthy women indulge in everyday self-care practices to spend some quality me-time with themselves.
They journal their thoughts, take long relaxing baths, and have a self-care night routine to end their day on a restful note.
They pamper their skin with suitable products and know how to let go of their worries by putting on a hydrating sheet mask on a Sunday afternoon.
Self-care helps them be stress-free and tap into their sacred channels of self-love, which is another important trait that healthy women live by.
When you come from a place of unconditional love for yourself, your reasons for wanting to be healthier become pure.
You start indulging in healthy practices simply because they feel good, which is why you need self-love to accompany you on your health journey.
If you don’t quite know how to fall in love with yourself, read: 10 Self-Love Habits Every Woman Needs For A Strong Life

Adopt These Healthy Habits For A Positive Lifestyle
As you can probably sense, the 10 habits of healthy women we discussed in this post are full of good vibes and body positivity.
You don’t have to bend yourself backward to incorporate these habits into your life.
It will take time, no doubt. But I promise that every ounce of energy you put into this will be paid back in magnificent and beautiful ways.
And in case you need help incorporating any of the above-listed habits of healthy women, I’m just a chat away. Drop a comment down below and I will get back to you ASAP.
Thanks so much for the inspiring post!!! I love it!!!
Good to know!! Have fun trying out the habits.