Sunday habits might not seem like they are a thing. After all, weekends are supposed to be all about chilling and relaxing.
Who has time to care about building habits and raising your productivity during the weekend?
See, I get your skepticism.
The words ‘lazy’ and ‘Sunday’ might as well be synonyms, and creating a routine on this relaxing day might sound like a buzzkill.
But what if I told you a Sunday routine actually adds to your wellness and can bring some major positive changes to your life?
For starters, following good Sunday habits can help you let go of your weekly stress, so you get to enter the new week with a clean mind space.
Also, weekends are your time to catch up on your unfinished chores.
A Sunday special routine can help you get them done quicker and save you enough time to focus on self-care.
Lastly, habits and routines are awesome to keep you balanced and on track with your goals.
If Sundays can help you hone your habit-building skills and make your life easier, then it might be a good idea to include this day in your personal growth plan.
Before reading further, let’s pin this post for safe keeping.

In this post, I reveal 14 Sunday habits you can easily incorporate into your weekend routine.
Read on if you’re looking to you set yourself up for a stress-free, productive, and organized week.
14 Sunday Habits For A Good Week Ahead
1. Start With A Slow Morning Routine
I won’t ask you to ditch your precious Sunday morning sleep. You have the coming week to be a morning person, so it’s okay to sleep in on the weekends.
But the moment you’re up, indulge in a slow and healthy morning routine that is different from what you do on the weekdays.
Here are some Sunday morning habits you can adopt:
- Do a light stretching exercise in bed.
- Close your eyes and pray.
- Get up and drink a glass of warm water. This is something you should do every morning.
- Wash your face, and apply some moisturizer on your face.
- Step outside for a few minutes to breathe in the fresh air.
- About 45 minutes after you’re up, prepare some tea or coffee and enjoy it in your favorite spot in the house.
- Have a fulfilling breakfast.
These activities will help you get into a resting zone. Now, when you dive into your Sunday chores, you’ll be in a relaxed state of mind.
Bookmark for later: 11 Bad Morning Habits You Need To Quit

2. Review The Last Week
Before preparing for the coming time, it’s important to learn from the past and take important notes.
That’s why I suggest you add a small review session to your list of Sunday habits.
This will help you plan ahead smartly and with a better insight into what works for you and what doesn’t.
Recall your past week, and quickly jot down the things you did right as well as things you would like to improve.
These lists could include exercising, healthy eating, stress management, work-life balance, and even socializing.
For example, if my last week was too isolating, I’d probably want to go out more in the future.
A self-introspection session hardly takes you 10 minutes, but it can reveal a lot about your inner self.
Don’t hesitate to introspect your life before the beginning of a new phase, including the start of a new week.
Going forward, you can use these revelations for self-improvement.
Bookmark for later: How To Create A Daily Routine That Works For You – 7 Easy Tips
3. Release The Past Through Meditation
There is no point in looking into the past if you don’t follow it up by letting go of the heavy stuff.
Your mind doesn’t need to be weighed down by past memories, even if they’re recent and fresh.
You can improve your mental health drastically by meditating on Sunday, and releasing yourself from any negative thoughts and energies you might be holding onto.
10 minutes of mindfulness meditation is great for this.
As soon as you’re done reviewing your week, tune into this guided meditation, sit back, and close your eyes.
Let the voice of the speaker guide you toward positive thinking and a healthier mind space.
4. Plan The Coming Week In Advance
if you follow the first three habits mentioned in this post correctly, you’ll find yourself surrounded by calm energies.
Now, you should be ready to dive into some growth-related Sunday habits.
Grab your planner, journal, or notebook – whatever your preferred method of planning is, and sit at your desk to schedule the coming week.
Start by planning your meals. It’s good to have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner options laid out in advance.
You get to set yourself up for a healthy diet and also leave some room for indulging in your favorite food.
Mark down any important appointments, events, and meetings you have to attend.
Plan at least one outing with friends and make space for a fun solo date.
If possible, create a rough timetable for the next five days.
You can alter it later on, but getting this done will help you release your anxiety regarding the future and make you feel in better control of your life.
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5. Write Down Your Weekly Goals
Here’s a confession – I used to be afraid of setting goals.
I didn’t trust myself enough to see them through, and that was because I couldn’t seem to reach any of my goals.
Later on, I realized I’d been doing it all wrong. My goals were too big, and that was why I couldn’t prepare my mind to tick them off.
It’s a problem many of you might relate to. So, here’s what you should do:
Pick up your long-term goals, then break them down into small, achievable, and realistic goals.
And then, scatter these smaller goals into your weekly routine.
For example, if you want to get healthier, set a goal to exercise for 3 days in the coming week.
This is a really good way to use the fresh start effect of a new week, and a Sunday is perfect to prepare your mind for these goals.
Here are some short and sweet goals to add to your weekly planner:
- Meditate for 10 minutes every day.
- Do bedtime journaling every night before sleeping.
- Go to bed on time.
- Walk 5,000 steps a day.
- Avoid procrastination and get things done on time.
- Stay hydrated – 8 glasses per day minimum.
- Sign up for an online course.
- Learn a new recipe.
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6. Clean And Organize Your Personal Space
When I used to clean my room once a month, it’d take me hours to sort through the mess.
The longer you go without cleaning an area, the dirtier it becomes.
That’s why it’s smarter to clean your room frequently. Ideally, Sundays are considered great for this.
Declutter your room by getting rid of anything you don’t need. Throw away stray papers, discard the junk, and dust off every surface.
Organize your wardrobe, drawers, and shelves, Stack up your books in a neat row, fold your clothes, and rearrange your stationery.
Do not forget the bathroom. Cleaning it will give you the best weekend workout.
Related: 13 Habits Of Organized People That Will Make Your Life Easy

7. Do The Laundry
Still, if you’re someone who goes through their laundry piles during the weekdays, then I’m not going to convince you otherwise, because that does sound pretty neat.
But I personally prefer reserving my laundry-related tasks for the weekend.
It saves me time during the weekdays, and I only have to do this exhausting task once.
Now, I know nobody loves doing laundry on Sundays, and that’s relatable.
But come on, we can’t welcome a new week with a huge pile of dirty clothes lying around the house.
Dedicate two hours of your Sunday to sorting through your clothes, separating the whites from the colored ones, and then washing them.
Put on your headset and listen to some upbeat music while you finish this chore; it makes the task less boring.
Bookmark: 11 Toxic Habits You Need To Discard Right Now
8. Stock Up On Groceries
Grocery shopping might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ve come to love doing this on Sundays.
I love stocking up my refrigerator with a variety of fruits and veggies,
Plus, don’t even get me started on my obsession with tea bags. If there’s a new pack at the store that I haven’t tried, I have to buy it at all costs.
I’m sure if you think hard enough, you can find plenty of reasons to love grocery shopping on Sundays. I mean, you have to do it anyway, so why not make it fun?
Create a grocery list keeping your monthly budget in mind, and then head outside for an afternoon grocery shopping.
Be attentive while shopping; there could be things that you forgot to add to the list.
Treat yourself to a scoop of ice cream when you’re done. Ice creams make Sundays extra glorious, don’t you agree?
Stock up your pantry as soon as you come back, and move on with your Sunday schedule.
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9. Do A Light Workout
Before you go all crazy on me for daring to ask you to exercise on Sunday, hear me out. I am not asking you to hit the gym and run ten miles on the treadmill.
If you’re a health enthusiast, you can reserve your full-blown workouts for the weekdays, and pick an easygoing exercise on Sunday.
And if you’re someone who scrunches their nose at the idea of being regular with exercise, then this is all the more reason to get a Sunday workout in!
You already know exercise is super duper important for the body. Try as you might, you can’t ignore the fact that you need it more than you realize.
Even if you hate sweating yourself out, I promise you can get yourself moving at least 3 days a week, one of which should be Sunday.
As I said, it’s more than okay to pick a light workout. In fact, I’d even encourage you to do this so that your body doesn’t come under strain.
Yoga, walking in nature, and stretching exercises are some of the light options you can go for.
Might Help: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You’re Stuck In A Rut
10. Set Your Priorities
If your priorities are not set right, you could be moving in the wrong direction in life. I say this from personal experience.
In the past, I prioritized my career-building above everything. Some people thrive on this, but I realized later on I didn’t belong to this category.
I reassessed my life, shifted my wellness to the topmost position, and as a result, everything in my life fell into place. This blog is a beautiful result of that.
Setting your priorities isn’t a one-time activity.
You need to assess your priorities every few days, check if something’s not working for you, and update your list accordingly.
You can do this by creating a priority list on Sunday. Decide what you want to prioritize for the coming week, and what needs to be focused less on.
For example, if you’ve just wrapped up a big project at work, then you can probably shift family time to the number one position for the next week.
Do this every Sunday without fail, and you’ll never go wrong with prioritizing the right things at the right time.
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11. Take A Bath
A long bath is best to alleviate the tension in your sore muscles and reduce your mental load.
It nurtures your body, heals your mental energy, and gives you the release you need to let go of any external worries you might be holding onto.
When you’re done with your Sunday chores, draw yourself a bath.
Use the nice-smelling, good-quality bath products you reserve for special moments, and turn on some calm music for pleasant vibes.
To feel like a self-caring diva, light some scented candles, and grab a book to thumb through while you let the water work its magic.
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12. Have A Self-Care Pamper Session
Every girl boss across the world knows the bliss of indulging in a self-care session.
It is the perfect way to recharge your spirit and awaken your self-love spirit at the end of the week.
Here are some cute ideas for your self-care Sunday session:
- Put on a hydrating face mask.
- Read a book while sipping tea or coffee.
- Paint your nails.
- Watch a movie while lounging on the couch.
- Give yourself a facial at home.
- Write down 3 things you like about yourself.
- Create a mindful journal entry.
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13. Declutter Your Phone And Computer
We spend a lot of time on our phones and computers. I’d love to say that I don’t depend on mine for anything, but that would be a lie.
Since these devices are so important to us, how we maintain them reflects upon our mental state to some degree.
Highly organized people declutter their devices every day, but it’s also good to make this a weekly activity.
Spare a few minutes on Sunday and sit down with the sole intention to declutter your phone and computer.
Here is a quick checklist for you:
- Delete any extra files like photos, videos, and documents.
- Clear your mobile cache.
- Run a quick virus scan on both devices.
- Sort through your email and discard the ones you don’t need.
- Get rid of apps you don’t use.
- Go through your downloads folder and delete unnecessary files.
- Unsubscribe from the mailing services you don’t remember signing up for.
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14. Prepare For Monday With A Relaxed Mind
We’re all pretty acquainted with the Monday blues. It’s a feeling of dread at the idea of facing a new week combined with a reluctance to leave the weekend behind.
But the reason you experience this is because of a Monday routine. If you dive into your week expecting the bad, that’s the energy you’ll receive from the world in return.
You can turn those ugly Monday blues into a chirpy mood by preparing well in advance.
Select a killer outfit to start your week with a bang. Confidence is a must-have ingredient for a bright Monday mood.
Go over your meal plan, prepare your office bag, and pick something feelgood to carry with you to work (like a book or a mindfulness journal.)
Remember to do these things in a calm state of mind. That’s the only antidote you need for your Monday blues.
Put yourself in a positive energy, be excited for what’s to come, and believe in yourself to make the best of the coming week.
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These Sunday Habits Will Organize Your Coming Week
See, I get the appeal of lazing around on Sunday, or getting your chores done without a set plan.
But the thing is, you can make Sundays relaxing as well as productive by adopting a few simple habits.
With a little bit of planning and some routine-building, your Sundays can become even more special.
The Sunday habits we discussed in this post will reduce your stress, make you lighter, and get your weekend chores done on time.
Try it yourself to see if it makes a difference in your life. If not, you can always go back to your old ways.
Also, feel free to adjust these Sunday habits to create a personalized routine.
And if you have Sunday-related tips for me, please drop a comment below. It’s always a pleasure interacting with my lovely readers.
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