Life can be pretty hard at times, but a good routine can be your saving grace. Let’s embark on a wellness journey together, and adopt 10 mindful habits to improve your mental health.

Five years ago, after graduating from school, I found myself in a weird fix.
I was lost, confused, and just a little scared about my future, with no clue on to do with my life.
Before I knew it, my fears turned into a ball of negative energy, and it didn’t take long before I slipped into a dark phase.
It was a tough time, I won’t lie, one that resulted in me taking a year-long break from my studies.
At that time, I thought it was the worst thing that had happened to me.
But to quote Leonard Cohen, “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
The one-year crack in my life ended up showing me the path to a bright future, one that I am extremely grateful to be living at this moment. 🙂
The Importance Of Good Habits For Your Mental Health
It was during the darkest period in my life that I found the missing pieces of my life.
But I do understand that the pain could have been avoided.
My mental health took a hit because I chose to neglect it throughout my school days.
It happened because of a lack of self-awareness, mindfulness, and balance on my part.
Mostly, it happened because I had zero habits that promoted good mental health, and was instead occupied with a routine that constantly kept me on edge.
You shouldn’t have to ride a storm to learn how to sail a ship. Isn’t it better to learn and be prepared in advance?
Just by creating some small daily habits, you can make a huge difference to your state of mind.
Some tiny daily habits can make a huge difference to your state of mind.
You might still experience moments of darkness, but your cope-up mechanism will be much more effective and healthier.
And if you ask me, that’s quite a big power to have under your belt.
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In this post, we take a look at some of the best practices and habits to improve your mental health.
These are the 10 things I personally do every single day without fail to stay in a blissful state of mind.
If you’re ready to change your life and nurture positive mental health, read on.
10 Daily Habits To Improve Your Mental Health
1. Cultivate A Positive Morning Routine
As a student, I had to leave my bed by 6, and I always did so in a cranky mood.
I chalked it up to the fact that I wasn’t a morning person, which was a convenient excuse.
The truth is I never made any attempt to rectify this situation and simply kept up with my lazy morning habits.
It was one of the primary reasons behind my stress and overthinking.
If you can relate, it’s time to admit that your mental health is affected by your morning routine more than you think.
Morning is the starting point of your day, and how you spend it leaves a long impression on your brain. It’s a fact we should use to our advantage.
Wake up on time, make your bed, open your windows to let the air in, and drink a glass of warm water to flush the toxins from your body.
Do a morning workout, give five minutes to mindfulness by doing meditation, eat a healthy breakfast, and set realistic goals for your day.
Also, get rid of any bad morning habits that leave you in a negative state of mind.
Don’t check your phone first thing in the morning, leave your bed the moment you’re up, and avoid coffee for the first hour.
Just a week of implementing these basic morning habits will give you a huge boost in your mental health.
It’s something I can vouch for from my personal experience.
A Post I Highly Recommend: 7 Unique Morning Habits Of Successful People

2. Exercise For 30 Minutes
Your body isn’t good at being stable.
If you don’t provide it with sufficient movement, it retaliates by bringing your mental energy down.
That’s why it’s extremely important to stay active by exercising at least five times a week.
So many times, I’ve gotten myself out of a mental spiral by making my body sweat. It’s a trick that never fails to lift my mood.
The long-term benefits of exercise are just as rewarding. It is an excellent way to combat stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts
Every time you show up for a workout is a testament to your mental strength and your determination to stay on the path of wellness.
Initially, you might struggle to stick to your workouts. But I promise 21 days are all you need to convert it into a lifetime habit.
I want you to do this for your brain’s health and to show your body that you care for its well-being.
So, I’m sharing the youtube workout channels that have helped me stay regular with my workouts for 3 years:
Related Post: How To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You’re Stuck In A Rut
3. Nurture Happy Food Habits
For years, I struggled with a toxic food relationship. I tried numerous ways to fix it, from restrictive eating to keto dieting, to this and that.
But what finally worked was a series of gentle steps directed toward healing my mind’s health.
Check Out: How I Healed My Relationship With Food
You’d find many posts on my blog dedicated to nurturing good food habits because I know big of an impact it can have on your mental health.
There is so much I could share with you on this topic. But for the sake of this article, the only advice I have for you is to promote happy food habits.
You don’t have to jump into clean eating if you don’t want to, and absolutely don’t need to count your calories if it stresses you out.
From today onward, eat what makes your body happy, because your gut knows the best.
Add vegetables to your diet, eat fruits every day, increase your water intake, and also enjoy food that you love.
Focus on building happy food habits by practicing mindful eating, and your mind will thrive as a result.

4. Write One Journal Entry
You can’t water a plant without entering the garden first. To purify your mental energies, you need to get up close and personal with yourself.
The best way to access make this happen is by penning your thoughts down in a journal.
There is a reason why journaling is widely acclaimed in the world of self-care. It is the easiest, quickest, and most effective form of self-communication.
On the pages of a journal, there is no room for pretense. You can be your most authentic self without any fears of judgment and criticism.
You can vent your negative emotions, share your joy, and embrace your feelings with an open heart.
Journaling also opens you up to new ideas and thoughts. You learn to appreciate things about you that you won’t otherwise notice.
Self-love becomes easier, happiness is magnified, and your mental health naturally improves as a result of this beautiful habit.
Some Journal Prompts To Help You Get Started:
Aim to write at least one page in your journal every day. The few minutes you’ll spend doing this will pay you back tenfold in the long run.
5. Take Regular Walks In Nature
This is the one single habit in this post that I’ve maintained since an early age.
I picked on my father’s love for walking in nature, and to this date, I am thankful to him for it.
Nature is a healing force in the world, which is readily accessible to most of us. It is a source of true happiness.
A breath of fresh air can turn your day around, and sometimes, sitting under a tree is all the therapy you need.

Nature is magical in many ways, but what boggles my mind is how it can adapt according to your needs.
It can be whatever you want it to be – a mother, a friend, a companion, or a teacher waiting to give you important lessons.
The only thing you need to do in return? Start going out on regular walks.
It’s one of the simplest habits to improve your mental health.
You won’t even realize it during your walk, but by the time you return, your mind will be free of its daily woes and troubles.
Yes, nature is a relentless giver like that, one that you deserve to become friends with.
Recommended Post: How To Be A More Positive Person (10 Mindful Habits)
6. A Few Minutes Of Solitude
There is noise everywhere around us. You can learn to tune it out, but your brain still picks up on it.
Even our daily interactions can be mentally exhausting, which is why we need some quiet time during our everyday life.
It’s how we can recollect our calming tendencies and redefine our mental boundaries.
Spare at least 15 minutes of your day for a quiet session with yourself. What you choose to do during this time is totally up to you.
The only condition is that you’re not allowed to let any noise in, which means no cell phones, music, or talking to anyone.
Find a quiet corner, close your eyes, and simply breathe. This is meditation in its simplest form.
Allow your thoughts to slow down, think about your happy place, and open up yourself to the power of you.
Worth Reading: 10 Girl Boss Habits For A Classy And Successful Life
7. Build Good Relationships
It’d be quite ignorant to not account for the impact of other people on our mental health. We are social beings who rely on each other for existence.
It’s good to be self-sufficient, but there shouldn’t be a pretense of ‘not needing anyone’s help,’ because you’re bigger than that.
You might not have control over others’ actions, but your behavior and thoughts are solely your responsibility.
Some simple changes can make a ton of difference to your opinions regarding other people.
How about smiling more, or saying a warm hello to the colleagues who you usually don’t interact with much?
Why not drop a random lovely text to your close friend, or organize a small weekend get-together?
When you make efforts to build positive relationships, positive energy is what you’ll receive.
This is not about making yourself more likable, although that’s definitely a nice perk of this habit.
But more than that, it’s about appreciating the world a bit more and attracting good people in your life who care about you the way you do for them.
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8. Limit Your Phone Time
It’s hard to admit, but my phone was one of the prime reasons why my mental health took a hit after graduating from school.
And looking back, I’m not surprised.
Tell me something. If I took your smartphone from you and gave you an old battered phone that’s only good for making calls, what would your reaction be?
Perhaps panic, followed by anger at yours truly?
I don’t blame you. Some time back, I’d have reacted the same.
But once I realized that my little communication device had turned into a mini addiction, I was quick to take action.
And you what? It was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
Related Post: 11 Toxic Habits You Need To Discard Right Now
If you’re ready to walk down the same path, start by limiting the use of your social media apps.
You don’t need to scroll through the feeds every few minutes. Half an hour a day is more than enough.
Get rid of extra apps, turn off your notification for a few hours, and call your friends instead of texting too often.
Instead of relying on the phone to pass your time, read a book, go outside for a walk, or try a quick self-care activity for a mental boost.
Limiting your phone time might seem harsh initially.
But once you get used to not hearing the notification sound every five minutes or so, your quiet brain will thank you.
Worth Checking Out: 5 Unproductive Habits That Are The Worst (And How To Ditch Them For Good)
9. Mindfulness
Our mind has a tendency to drift off at the most random times, lowering our focus and attention from the current moment.
Your scattered thoughts might be so frequent that you don’t even mind their presence, but you shouldn’t be comfortable with a straying mind.
In truth, mindfulness is the natural state of your mind – a practice that means ‘to live in the present moment and enjoy each second as it comes by.’
Here’s how you can get started with it.
Firstly, start a mindfulness journal, and use it to pen down your thoughts, actions, and plans at multiple points during the day.
Keep it within your reach so you can reach for it whenever you find yourself drifting off. It’s an excellent way to bring your focus back to the present and stay aware.
Use guided meditation to focus on your breath, and then follow these breathing patterns throughout the day to practice mindfulness.
Don’t linger in the past, and avoid worrying about your future. Your reality is now, and that’s where your mind should be too.
Mindfulness will help you get rid of overthinking and stress, and also turn you into a happier person.
As a result, your mental energies will be conserved and your thoughts less scattered.
Bookmark For Later: 21 Ways To Fill Your Empty Notebooks

10. End Your Day On A Restful Note
Our first point in this list of habits was to build a healthy morning routine because it helps you set the right tone for the day.
It’s equally important to end it on the right note too, which is why my last tip for you is to build a soothing nighttime routine.
Every day is different. On some, you’ll come back home in an excited mood, on others you’ll be too exhausted to even think straight.
Regardless of how your day goes, a consistent bedtime routine is important to give your mind a stable point.
It’s one of the best habits you need to improve your mental health.
Turn on your self-care mode the moment you cross the threshold of your house.
Leave your worries out the door, smile for yourself, and get started with recharging your spirit.
Spend a few minutes with your family members, and if you live alone, turn on some music and jump straight into the shower for a warm cleanse.
Hydrate yourself, cook your favorite meal, eat slowly and mindfully, and do basic skincare before going to bed.
Before sleeping, you can read a book and sip some herbal time to bring your mind to a calmer state. 🍵
To improve your bedtime, check out: 10 Perfect Ways To Sleep Better At Night
Your Mental Health Should Be A Priority
Life is like water. It flows at its own pace and might be out of control at times. But don’t let its current intimidate you; you are very much in command of your life’s directions.
Just like you need rudders to row a boat, you need good mental health for your overall well-being.
The 10 habits we discussed in this post will help a great deal to improve your mental health.
Remember that your mental health isn’t an end goal. It needs regular love, nourishment, and attention to thrive.
So, give it everything it needs, rather than what it thinks it wants.
Start small, go slow, and stay healthy and fine. 🙂
Think I missed an important point, or got some tips and habits to improve your mental health? Drop a few words in the comment box. I always love interacting with you.

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